Report No. 3 (2020) IACHR. Petition No. 19.095 (Perú)

Case Number19.095
Report Number3
Respondent StatePerú
Case TypeFriendly Settlements
CourtInter-American Comission of Human Rights
Alleged VictimMariela Barreto Riofan
REPORT No. 3/20
CASE 19.095
Approved electronically by the Commission on February 24, 2020.
D.. 4
24 February 2020
Original: Spanish
Cite as: IACHR, R.rt No. 3/20, Ca se 12.095. Settlement. M..B.R..
P.. February 24, 2020.
REPORT No. 3/20
CASE 12.095
FEBRUARY 24 20201
1. On November 12, 1998, during its on-site visit to P., the Inter-A merican Commission on
H.n R.s (hereinafter, "the Commission" or "the IACHR") received a petition presented by Mr. O.....
B..P. (hereinaf ter, "Mr. B." or "the petitioner"), against the Republic of P. (hereinafter, "P.",
"the S." or "the P.vian S."), in which he alleged the violation of the rights of his daughter, M...
B..R., who at the time of the events served as an agent of th e Army Intelligence S ervice (SIE), when
state security agents illegally detained her, tortu red her, executed her and finally dismembered he r.
Subsequently, the Cent er for Defense and Internat ional Law (CEJIL) and the Association for H.n R.s
(APRODEH), assumed the representation of the victim's relatives.
2. The petition claimed responsibility for the P.vian S. for the v iolation of Articles 4 (right
to life), 5 (right to humane treatment) , 7 (rights to personal liberty) and 8 ( right to a fair trial) of the American
Convention on H.n R.s (hereinafter “the American Conventi on”).
3. On M. 23, 2000, the IA CHR issued the Admissibility R.rt No. 30/00. In its report, th e
IACHR concluded that it was competent to examine th e alleged violation of articles, 4 (right to lif e), 5 (right to
humane treatment), 7 (rights to pers onal liberty) and 8 (right to a fai r trial) of the American Convention.
4. On D.r 22, 2001, the f riendly settlement agreement was signed, whereby the P. vian
S. recognized its inter national responsibility for the huma n rights violations committed to the detriment of
5. T. friendly settlem ent report, pursuant to Article 49 of the Convention and Article 40(5) of
the Commission’s Rules of Procedure , outlines the facts alleged by the petitioners and transcrib es the friendly
settlement agreement, which was sig ned on D.r 22, 2001, by the petitioners and representatives of the
P..S.. In addition, the agreem ent signed by the parties is appr oved, and it is agreed to publish this
report in the Annual R.rt of the IACHR to the General Assembly of the Organization of American S.s.
6. On November 12, 1998, the Commission rec eived the petition regar ding the events allegedly
occurred in M. 1997.
7. In Admissibility R.rt No. 30/00, published on M. 23, 2000, the IACHR declared the case
admissible, with regard to the alleged violations of the rights to life, personal integrity, personal liberty and the
judicial guarantees, enshrined in Articles 4, 5, 7 and 8 resp ectively, of the American Convention on H.n
R.s to the detriment of M..B...R..
8. T. case is part of the Joint Press Relea se of February 22, 2001, whereby the P.vian S.
undertook to recognize its international responsibility for multiple cases of human rights violations and to take
the necessary measures to restore the rights affected and / or repair the damage cau sed.
1 C..J..M., a national of P., did not participate in the consideration of the vote on this case of compliance
with article 17 (2) (a) of the IACHR.

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