Index to Volume 31 (2018)

Published date01 December 2018
Date01 December 2018
© 2018 The Author. Ratio Juris © 2018 John Wile y & Sons Ltd
Ratio Juris. Vol. 31 No. 4 December 2018 (485486)
Index to Volume 31 (2018)
Alexy, Robert, The Special Case Thesis a nd the Dual Nature of Law, 3: 254 –259.
Boot, Eric R., No Rig ht to Classified Public Whistleblowing, 1, 70–85.
Brinkmann, Matthias, Coordination Cannot Est ablish Political Authority, 1: 49–69.
De Wilde, Marc, Why Dictatorial Authority Did Good, and not Harm, to the Roma n
Republic. Dictatorship and Constitutional, 1: 86–100.
Dobrzeniecki, Karol, Reasoning: A Survey of Some Paradigmatic Cases the Possibility
of Interimperial Law, 3: 364–374.
Gisbertz, Philipp, Overcoming Doctri nal School Thought: A Unify ing Approach to
Human Dignity, 2: 196–207.
Kramer, Matthew H., Hart and the Metaphysics and Semantics of Legal Normativ it y,
4: 396– 420.
Krawietz, Werner, Apology for the T heory of the State and Law: A New Concept of
Law and Justice in Modern Legal Commun ication, 4: 421–427.
La Torre, Massimo, Human Rights: Existential, Not Metaphysical, 2: 183–195.
Macioce, Fabio, Group Vulnerabi lity, Asymmetrical Bala nce, and Multicultural
Recognition, 4: 469–484.
Mangini, Michele, Toward a Theory of Reasonableness, 2: 208–230.
Marmor, Andrei, Two Rights of Free Spe ech, 4: 460–159.
McBride, M ark, Raz’s Definition of a Right, 4: 460–468.
Menga, Ferdinando G., Change in Machiavelli Antagonism, Natalit y, A-Lega lity: A
Phenomenological Itinerary on the D emocratic Transgression of Politico-Legal
Orders, 1: 110 –119.
Michelman, Frank I., “Constitution (Written or Unwritten)”: Leg iti macy and Legality
in the Thought of John Rawls, 4: 379–395.
Mullins, Robert, Legal Positiv ism and Deontic Detachment, 1: 4–8.
Nielsen, Carsten Fogh and Hartz, Emily, Why Be Just? The Problem of Motivation in
Hegel and Rawls, 3: 326–345.
Patterson, Dennis, Theoretical D isagreement, Legal Positivism, and Interpretation, 3:
260–27 5.
Paulson, Stanley L., The Purity Thesis, 3: 276–306.
Pavel, Carmen E., Is International Law a Hart ian Legal System?, 3: 307–325.
Postema, Gerald J., Time in Law’s Domain, 2: 160–182.
Póvoa de Lim a, Flávio Manuel, On The-Law Propert y Ascriptions to the Facts, 2:
Rodriguez-Blanco, Veronica and Zambrano, Pilar, One Myth of the Classical Natural
Law Theory: Reflecti ng on the “Thin” View of Legal Positivism, 1: 9–32.

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