Importance and necessity of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

AuthorGeorgeta Modiga
PositionFaculty of Law, 'Danubius' University Galati, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 1 (2014), pp. 98-103
G. Modiga
Georgeta Modiga
Faculty of Law, "Danubius" University Galati, Romania
*Correspondence: Georgeta Modiga, “Danubius" University Galati, Galati St. Galati,
After careful consideration, we can say that in evolution, human society was and is
threatened by a number of factors that can be generally divided into internal, external and
natural. Currently, it is difficult to assess which are the most dangerous threats to a
community, requiring a rather complex analysis that ultimately will reveal that each threat as
minor should be duly untreated immediate reaction in terms of society, can become a real
threat as less than or greater. The unprecedented development of international relations in
contemporary society has been accompanied by an increase also unprecedented,
international crime, the proliferation of forms of organized crime in several states.
Keywords: measures of self-defence, crime, contemporary society
Over time, the cooperation of the states was made on the basis of bilateral or
multilateral legal instruments, resulting in agreements, conventions, treaties, etc. These legal
instruments are of zone, regional or universal, according to the interests of the Parties, the
magnitude and importance of the area addressed.
Concerns for international cooperation have existed since ancient times (particularly
in the military and commercial), these developing and diversifying permanently, over time,
according to the existing common interests at a time between different states.
A key element that led to the emergence and further development of international
cooperation and without which it could not conceive, was the mutual trust in a well regulated
institutional framework.
In this context, we define international cooperation as a means of mutual aid between
different states, in different areas, specifically established by treaties, conventions,
agreements and so on, ultimately aimed at promoting and protecting national interests,
regional or world, based on the principle of the independence and sovereignty of each
Contracting Party.
International judicial cooperation in criminal matters is just an area specific cooperative
activity between states, extremely important area, which has become a necessity since the
beginning of last century.
In its historical development, the company has constantly sought and found various
ways of self defence, which did not represent anything other than immediate reactions to a
number of dangers that threatened peace or even existence. Dangers faced by human society
can certainly be considered, but only in the general context determined by the overall
development of society it self.
Thus, some were dangers threatening peace or even the existence of a community
during slavery, feudalism others and therefore more at this stage. Given the historical
development of society, we find that these dangers are not identical; they are ultimately

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