General characterization of security systems for objectives, goods, valuables and protection of individuals

AuthorFlorian Mateas
PositionLaw and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 3 (2015), pp. 21-28
F. Mateaş
Florian Mateaş
Law and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department
Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
*Correspondence: Florian Mateaş, Agora University of Oradea, 8 Piaa Tineretului St.,
Oradea, Romania
E- mail:
The local police operate as a public institution with legal personality for the interest of
citizens, which provides services for the security of goods, participates in the defence of
public order and peace, of the life and integrity of individuals, and other rights and legitimate
interests of the community.
The organization and carrying out of the guarding of the goods and valuables of any kind
owned, their transportation and other security services, and participation in the defence of
public order and peace are done on the basis of contracts concluded between the local Police
and mayors, public or private economic operators, institutions, associations of any kind,
natural or legal persons as appropriate.
The security provided by local police officers is carried out according to the security plan
drawn up by local police commanders and beneficiaries, approved by the local committee and
with the expert’s approval from the local police. In their work for performing the service at
the objectives entrusted to them, the local police officers have a number of obligations
including cooperation with the police bodies and the notification thereof when finding crimes
committed which might damage public and private property, acts directed against individuals,
fire occurrence, calamities.
Keywords: security systems, security of objectives, protection of individuals,
missions, security, national security, local police.
The local police and other structures specialized in guarding objectives, goods,
valuables and providing imdividulas’ protection, have this mission which becomes, as
criminals change their methods, an interesting scientific approach focusing on new
developments at global and regional level, which result in new dimensions of national
security and safety.
People have always tried to ensure their protection against certain eventualities, first
by satisfying their vital needs and later by giving rise to bodies empowered to ensure the
existence of this national security and/or international security.
1. Security systems for objectives, goods, valuables and individual protection
I have felt the need to order, systematize and group knowledge regarding each topic
discussed, because a large number of controversies and theories have emerged from the study

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