The 38th floor: excerpts from statements by UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar made between 1 July and 30 September 1989.


In recent months, the co-operation and hard work of the United Nations and its Members have given rise to new hopes for peace in several strife-torn regions. Yet, there is no occasion for complacency. Each step towards peace brings new challenges. Therefore, this multilateral cooperation and action which have raised so many hopes must be pursued with vigour, and apprehensions and uncertainties must be overcome. However, obstacles to peace are not always a consequence of aggression and violence. There are many subtle threats to peace. Among them are widespread poverty, hunger and malnutrition affecting a steadily growing global population, and an alarming pace of environmental degradation. Each of these, in the end, can jeopardize peace. The challenges before us are not temporary nor are they limited by geographic borders. If we are to have a world in which peace is possible, we must join together now in conserving and caring for it. That is a task for all of us.

On the International Day of Peace

19 September

Regional conflicts A heavy toll

As we observe today the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, we cannot but recall with profound sorrow the appalling ruination that wracked the globe at the time. Out of the devastation of that experience, the nations of the world joined together to create this Organization, so as to give a secure foundation for peace. For almost half a century now, there has been no world war. However, regional conflicts have exacted a heavy toll, and the world is, in addition, confronted with an entirely new generation of problems. At such a time, it is well to reflect on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to resolve once again to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, to practise tolerance and to live together with one another as good neighbours.

On the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, I September

A new relationship with our planet ...

There is a mood of growing anxiety about the state of our global environment. It is generally agreed that the environment has moved to the top of the world's political agenda and that the international community must do more to ensure the viability of the earth's natural systems. Nothing less than the total mobilization of all sectors of society will enable us to forge the strategies we need. NGOs have consistently educated public opinion, alerted Governments to the threat of...

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