Executive powers in relations with the parliament. Part I

AuthorOana Saramet
PositionFaculty of Law, Department of Law Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, http://univagora.ro/jour/index.php/aijjs
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2015), pp. 69-77
Oana Şaramet
Faculty of Law, Department of Law
Transilvania University of Braşov, Braşov, Romania
*Correspondence: Oana Şaramet, Transilvania University of Braşov,
Eroilor Boulevard no.25, Braşov, România
E-mail: oana_saramet_2005@yahoo.com
Abstract: By art. 1 para. (4), Romanian Constitution, republished, enshrined the
principle of separation and balance of powers. Therefore, this principle implies the existence
of collaboration but also of a mutual control between these powers, including between the
legislative and executive power, thus being expressed the balance between these two powers.
By constitutional established powers, the two central authorities of the executive power - the
President of Romania and the Government - will participate at the observance and
application of this principle, including by those duties they perform in their relations with the
legislative power.
Keywords: head of state, legislative power, convening, dissolution, messages,
Based on the constitutional provisions in force, we can identify two functions of the
Romanian executive, namely the executive one and the administrative one. In our view, the
determination of the powers which enable fulfilling these functions it is possible by reporting
to the executive structures and, therefore, the specific functions of each of them. Motivation
of this allegation is that the powers enshrined in the constitution and laws in the task of these
structures, in fact represents their competence, namely of the head of state - the president or
monarch, and of the government. So we appreciate as difficult, if not impossible, to talk about
the competence of the executive as stand-alone entity, more so as most contemporary
constitutional systems have established a dualist executive and not a monocratic one.
Convening of Parliament
According to Article 63 para (3) of our Constitution, republished, the newly elected
Parliament convened by the President of Romania, within 20 days from the election
, but also
in his request, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate can also meet in special sessions.
See O. Şaramet, "Powers of the Romanian President in relations with Parliament. Convening and dissolution of
Parliament" in I. Boldea, coo rdinator, Debates on globalization. approaching national identity through
intercultural dialogue. Studies and article. Sec tion: Social studies, " Arhipelag Press XXI", Târgu-Mureş, 2015,
pag. 721-729.

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