A Primer on ACTA: What Europeans Should Fear about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

AuthorAxel Metzger
PositionDr. iur. (Munich and Paris), LL. M. (Harvard), Professor of Law at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Institute for Legal Informatics, Germany
A Primer on ACTA
Abstract: The European Commission recently
published the first official draft of the Anti-Counter-
feiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The article describes
the institutional background of the negotiations on
ACTA and its relationship to the existing legal frame-
work. The civil enforcement provisions and the Inter-
net chapter are compared with the international and
European instruments in the field. For the most part,
ACTA will not oblige EU member states to enact rules
that go beyond the already established European
standards. But stricter rules could be implemented
regarding injunctions against non-infringing inter-
mediaries, strict liability rules for damages, and ex
parte measures in preliminary proceedings. Accord-
ing to the published draft, the termination of user
accounts in the case of repeated intellectual prop-
erty infringement will not be mandatory for member
ACTA states.
A Primer on ACTA
What Europeans Should Fear about
the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
by Axel Metzger, Hannover
Dr. iur. (Munich and Paris), LL. M. (Harvard), Professor of Law at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Institute for
Legal Informatics, Germany
© 2010 Axel Metzger
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Recommended citatio n: Axel Metzger, A Primer on ACTA: What Europeans Should Fear about the Anti-C ounterfeiting Trade
Agreement, 1 (2010) JIPIT EC 109, para. 1.
Keywords: ACTA, Enforcement, TRIPS, WTO, WIPO, Injunctions, Damages, Strict Liability, Third-Party Liability,
Provisional Measures
A. Introduction1
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B. ACTA - A Treaty beyond
I. Institutional Setting of
ACTA Negotiations
   

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