Delineating and Promoting an Online 'Legal Offer': A Proper Task for Copyright Legislation?

AuthorAnne-Catherine Lorrain
PositionPhD Candidate at University Paris-Sud 11 (France)
Anne-Catherine Lorrain
A. Introduction
1 Where copyright regulation and discourse target il-
legal content as being the main cause of wide-scale
online copyright infringement, the development of
legal content is often presented as the best solution
to turn the tide. Indeed, what better alternative to
illegal content than legal content? However, this see-
mingly simple pattern is far from being easy. On the
contrary, those in charge of identifying what is legal
and what is illegal should identify the questions ari-
sing from such an approach as perhaps proving to be
too Manichean. The legislator has tackled the issue,
adopting a questionable method opposing “legal”
versus “illegal” digital content and related services
that lets us predict some of the negative consequen-
ces for the development of the cultural content di-
gital market.
This questioning is all the more relevant when the le-
gislator is attempting not only to promote but also to
delineate so-called “legal offers” of copyrighted on-
line content. In doing so, the copyright legislator is
taking the risk of departing from his role while enc-
roaching upon digital market development. This pa-
per proposes to question the “legal” rhetoric used in
such legislation as it has developed in some recent
Delineating and Promoting an
Online “Legal Offer”: A Proper Task
for Copyright Legislation?
How Efforts to Tackle Illegal File-Sharing Risk Creating Legal
Uncertainty in the Cultural Content Digital Market
by Anne-Catherine Lorrain, Paris
PhD Candidate at University Paris-Sud 11 (France); Guest Researcher at the Max Planck Institute on Intellectual
Property and Competition Law, Munich (Germany).
© 2012 Anne-Catherine Lorrain
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Recommended citation: Anne- Catherine Lorrain, Delineating and Pr omoting an Online “Legal Offer ”: A Proper Task for
Copyright Legislation? , 3 (2012) JIPITEC 116, para. 1.
Keywords: Copyright, Enforcement, Regulation, File-sharing, Graduated Response, HADOPI Law, Digital market,
Legal offer.
Abstract: Legislations tackling the issue of il-
legal downloading of copyrighted content, notably
those enabling so-called “graduated response” mech-
anisms, often present and promote the idea of “legal
offers”, designed to encourage consumers to acquire
cultural content legally, as the positive counterpart to
their sanctioning provisions. The paper argues that
such legal rationales are actually underpinned by
ambiguous concepts, bearing underestimated con-
sequences on both practical and theoretical levels.
The legislative promotion for the development of so-
called “legal” services instills uncertainty in the online
market place, thereby affecting online business prac-
tices but also the core tenets of copyright law.

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