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Data Availability

3.1 The BPM5 and the Benchmark recommend that FDI statistics be compiled as part of balance of payments statistics (the transactions data) and international investment position (IIP) statements (the position data). Countries are expected to compile and disseminate FDI statistics according to the standard components of BPM5 : direct investment income, direct investment financial flows, and direct investment positions. The direct investment income component is broken down into (1) income on equity (dividends and distributed branch profits), (2) reinvested earnings and undistributed branch profits, and (3) income on debt (interest). Direct investment financial flows are broken down into (1) equity capital, (2) reinvested earnings (the counterpart of the income item for reinvested earnings), and (3) other capital (intercompany debt transactions). The data on direct investment positions are broken down into (1) equity capital and reinvested earnings, and (2) other capital.

Data Reported to the International Organizations

3.2 The 2001 SIMSDI update indicates that all 61 of the countries that participated in the update report at least one element of the FDI statistics to the international organizations. Table 3.1 shows the numbers of countries, broken down into OECD and other, that reported data for inward and outward direct investment income, direct investment financial flows, and direct investment positions, and also indicates the changes since the 1997 SIMSDI survey. (Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix I give the details by country for 2001, as well as further details for the elements of each component.) OECD countries 3.3 All 30 OECD countries report at least one of the standard components of inward FDI statistics-FDI income, financial flows, and positions-to the IMF or the OECD, or both. All 29 OECD countries that compile FDI transactions data 1 now report inward data on at least one of the two elements of FDI financial flows, and all but Turkey report data for both equity capital and other capital. (Turkey reports data on equity capital only.) All but one of the 29 also report data on at least one of the three elements of inward FDI income. The exception is Denmark, although this country does compile data on all elements of FDI income and has reported in the past. Twenty-seven of the 30 OECD countries report inward FDI position data, the exceptions being Ireland, Korea, and Turkey. Ireland, however, compiles inward position data and indicated that it planned to disseminate data for the period from 1998 through 2001 by the end of October 2002.

Table 3.1. Data Reported to International Organizations

Countries Reporting FDI Statistics for:
Direct investment income Direct investment financial flows Direct investment positions
Number of Countries Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
Total 2001 (61) 56 48 59 53 47 45
Total 1997 (61) 48 42 50 43 34 31
Change +8 +6 +9 +10 +13 +14
OECD 2001 (30) 28 27 29 28 27 26
OECD 1997 (29) 28 27 28 27 25 24
Other 2001 (31) 28 21 30 25 20 19
Other 1997 (32) 20 15 22 16 9 7

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3.4 Slightly fewer OECD countries report data for the outward FDI statistics. All but one of the 29 OECD countries that compile transactions data report at least one of the two elements of outward FDI financial flows. (Mexico does not compile outward FDI transactions data at present.) All of those 28 countries, except Turkey, report data for both equity capital and other capital. (As with the inward data, Turkey reports outward FDI transactions data on equity capital only.) All except two countries (Mexico and Denmark) also report data on at least one of the three elements of outward FDI income, and 26 report outward FDI position data-Ireland, Korea, Mexico, and Turkey being the exceptions. Ireland, however, indicated that it planned to disseminate outward position data for the period from 1998 through 2001 by the end of October 2002.

Other countries

3.5 There has been a marked improvement since the 1997 SIMSDI survey in the number of other IMF member countries that report inward FDI statistics to the IMF. With the exception of Malaysia, all of the 31 countries that participated in the 2001 update now report at least one of the two elements of inward FDI financial flows, an increase of 8 countries since 1997. Malaysia, however, does compile data on inward financial flows, and indicated that it planned to disseminate these data with effect from the 2001 reference period. Twenty-eight of the 31 countries now report at least one of the three elements of inward FDI income, an increase of 8 since 1997. The exceptions are Kuwait, Singapore, and Thailand, all of which compile, but do not disseminate, data on inward FDI income at present. Twenty of the 31 countries now report at least one component of inward FDI position data, an increase of 11 since 1997. The exceptions include Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nigeria, and the Philippines. However, Croatia and Malaysia compile inward FDI position data and have indicated that they plan to disseminate the data in the future.

3.6 There have been similar improvements since 1997 in the number of countries that report outward FDI statistics to the IMF. An additional 9 countries now report at least one of the two elements of outward FDI financial flows, with the result that 25 of the 31 countries now report these data. The exceptions are Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Nigeria. However, Malaysia does compile outward data on FDI financial flows and has indicated that it plans to disseminate these data in the future. Twenty-one of the 31 countries now report data on at least one of the three elements of outward FDI income, an increase of 6 countries since 1997. The exceptions include Ecuador, Indonesia, Kazakh- stan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Peru, Singapore, and Thailand. However, four countries (including Kuwait and Singapore) compile outward data on FDI income but do not disseminate them, and Singapore indicated that it planned to disseminate the data in the future. Nineteen countries now report at least one component of outward FDI position data, an additional 12 countries since 1997. The 12 countries that do not yet report outward FDI position data include Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nigeria, and the Philippines. However, Croatia and Malaysia compile outward FDI position data and indicated that they planned to disseminate these data in the future.

Periodicity of the Disseminated FDI

Transactions Data

3.7 Data "dissemination" refers to all the means by which data are made available to the public (including dissemination on the Internet). "Periodicity" for transactions (flow) data is specified in terms of the interval represented by a single data point, while "periodicity" for position (stock) data is specified in terms of the interval between two data points. The 2001 SIMSDI update indicates that more countries are compiling quarterly transactions data than in 1997, and that somewhat fewer are compiling monthly data and annual data. Table 3.2 indicates the periodicity of the reported data on inward equity capital transactions and indicates the changes since the 1997 SIMSDI survey. (Table 3 of Appendix I gives the details by country for 2001, as well as similar details for the inward FDI income data and the outward FDI transactions data.)

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Table 3.2. Periodicity of the Most Timely and Most Comprehensive Equity Capital Transactions Data for Direct Investment in the Reporting Economy (Inward FDI)

Periodicity of the Most Timely Periodicity of the Most Comprehensive
Equity Capital Transactions Data Equity Capital Transactions Data
Number of Countries Monthly Quarterly Annual N.A.* Monthly Quarterly Annual N.A.*
Total 2001 (61) 22 32 5** 2 1 5 15 40
Total 1997 (61) 24 18 9 10 7 11 13 30
Change -2 +14 -4 -8 -6 -6 +2 +10
OECD 2001 (30) 18 11 0 1 1 3 8 18
OECD 1997 (29) 18 7 4 0 5 6 7 11
Other 2001 (31) 4 21 5** 1 0 2 7 22
Other 1997 (32) 6 11 5 10 2 5 6 19

* Not applicable.

** Includes one country that disseminates semiannual data.

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OECD countries

3.8 The 2001 results indicate that, as in 1997, 18 (62 percent) of the 29 OECD countries that disseminate FDI transactions data, primarily European, compile monthly data as their "most timely" 2 data on inward FDI equity capital transactions. The reporting of monthly balance of payments statistics is among the data requirements for the European Union (EU), 3 which explains why a large number of European countries disseminate monthly FDI statistics. The results also show that no OECD country now...

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