Criminality and psychopathology. The profile of stalkers

AuthorGiovanna Palermo
PositionResearcher in legal sociology, deviance and social change Cassation lawyer Secretary General of the Cuam University Foundation Department of Psychology University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 2 (2018), pp. 76-84
Giovanna PALERMO, PhD
Researcher in legal sociology, deviance and social change
Cassation lawyer
Secretary General of the Cuam University Foundation
Department of Psychology
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Mail address:Giovanna Palermo, Agora University of Oradea, 8 Piaţa Tineretului St., Oradea,
The present research is aimed to analyze the evolution of the profile of stalkers in the
Italian culture. The stalking is a complex behavioral constellation with different motivations,
not always with psychopathological relevance. It is a desperate attempt to seek an
interpersonal relationship: to devalue and above all to subject the victim to constant control,
allows the stalker to keep alive, albeit in a persecutory key, the desire for an indissoluble
bond. KEYWORDS: stalking, behaviour, criminality, psychopathology
The relationship between psychopathology and criminality can be tackled from
different perspectives, but I have chosen to minimize any legal, philosophical and
anthropological encroachment to then analyze the figure of the stalker. In this perspective,
starting from the complex history of criminological psychopathology, we proceeded to
analyze the evolution of the '50s and' 60s and then focus on the specifics of the "harassing
molester". The criminological investigation aims to grasp the motivations of those who break
the law, the causes of sometimes radical and apparently incomprehensible conduct, the
significance of crime in the biography of a criminal personality, sometimes overwhelmed by
the perception of uncontrollable dangers and unpredictable that enhance psychic
disturbance. In the history of criminology different theories have confronted different legal
and cultural systems. In particular, the scientific approach to the disease, and in particular to
mental illness, is born with Greek culture,
with the abandonment of magical thinking and the
arguments of humoralism and the removal of the disease from the universe of evil. The
present analysis, although aware of the richness and vivacity of the European tradition, will
tend to be limited to Italian culture alone.
While in Greek culture the scientific knowledge matures, in the Roman culture the law matures. Already from
the XII tables (around 450 BC) the mentally ill is the object of care and is therefore in a particular position
before the law and in the Digests Iustiniani Augusti impubes and furiosus are assimilated and do not respond to
serious responsibility.

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