Disarmament Conference continues work on nuclear issues.

Disarmament Conference continues work on nuclear issues

The Conference on Disarmament, meeting in Geneva, resumed its 1985 session on 11 June. (Proceedings of the first part of the session, held from 5 February to 23 April, are summarized in the UN Chronicle, 1985, No. 5).

The programme of work for the second part of the session includes discussion of the nuclear-test ban, prohibition of chemical and radiological weapons, and prevention of an arms race in outer space, as well as cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament, prevention of nuclear war and the elaboration of a comprehensive programme of disarmament. The Conference will also continue consideration of improvement of its functioning and expansion of its membership.

At the opening meeting, Adeito Ngengeya Bagbeni (Zaire), Conference President for June, urged members to redouble their efforts to reach agreement on concrete and effective disarmament measures. He called on them to tackle "with a far greater sense of urgency" the "highest priority" issues--the nuclear-test ban, cessation of the nuclear arms race and prevention of nuclear war.

"negotiations between the two super-Powers in those areas should normally help to further the work of the Conference"...

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