Re-conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide

AuthorMira Burri
PositionBerne, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute of the University of Berme
Re-conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide
Re-conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide
by MIRA BURRI*, Berne, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute of the University of Berme.
© 2011 Mira Burri
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Recommended citation: Burr i, Re-conzeptualizing the Global Digital Di vide, 3 (2011) JIPITEC 217, para 1.
Abstract: The article seeks a re-conceptualization of
the global digital divide debate. It critically explores
the predominant notion, its evolution and measure-
ment, as well as the policies that have been advanced
to bridge the digital divide. Acknowledging the com-
plexity of this inequality, the article aims at analyz-
ing the disparities beyond the connectivity and skills
barriers. Without understating the first two digital di-
vides, it is argued that as the Internet becomes more
sophisticated and more integrated into economic, so-
cial, and cultural processes, a “third” generation of di-
vides becomes critical. These divides are drawn not at
the entry to the net but within the net itself, and limit
access to content. The increasing barriers to con-
tent, though of a diverse nature, all relate to some
governance characteristics inherent in cyberspace,
such as global spillover of local decisions, regulation
through code, and proliferation of self- and co-reg-
ulatory models. It is maintained that as the prac-
tice of intervention intensifies in cyberspace, multiple
and far-reaching points of control outside formal le-
gal institutions are created, threatening the availabil-
ity of public goods and making the pursuit of public
objectives difficult. This is an aspect that is rarely ad-
dressed in the global digital divide discussions, even
in comprehensive analyses and political initiatives
such as the World Summit on the Information Soci-
ety. Yet, the conceptualization of the digital divide as
impeded access to content may be key in terms of
ensuring real participation and catering for the long-
term implications of digital technologies.
Keywords: Global Digital Divide; Access to Content, Cyberlaw
A. Introductory Remarks
Closing the digital gap has been viewed in all dis-
mary importance. Especially in the initial years of
the discussions on the digital divide, there seemed
to have been a broad understanding that
active participation in the information revolu-
munications technologies offer the less developed
countries unprecedented opportunities to ac-
den the range of opportunities for business and
the poor.”1
Beyond economic development, it is also of-
ten maintained that bridging the global digi-
tal divide
subvert authoritarian and repressive govern-
ments, thus promoting democracy, human rights,

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