Computer crime - a threat to the informational society

AuthorIoan Radu - Minodora Ursacescu - Cleopatra Sendroiu - Mihai Cioc
PositionPh. D. professor. Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest - Ph. D lecturer. Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest - Ph. D lecturer. Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest - Ph. D lecturer. Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest
Ph. D. professor Ioan Radu
Economic Studies Academy of
Ph. D lecturer Minodora Urscescu
Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest
Ph. D lecturer Cleopatra Şendroiu
Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest
Ph. D lecturer Mihai Cioc
Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest
In the modern society, the types of crimes stipulated by the law extend
globally under a new form: cyber crime. The evolution of this phenomenon is
directly proportional with the development of the informational technology and
communication, increasingly used by individuals.
Through its particularities, the informational society and knowledge
represent a completely new model of organizing the human society. In this context,
the legal issues of the new type of economy are difficult, even though they are
based on concepts and institutions that have proven their validity over time.
This article is trying to bring more attention on the phenomenon of cyber
crime, from the international and domestic legislative point of view and also in
terms of the danger that it represents for all the public or private organizations,
which will become more vulnerable in circumstances where no one will develop
concerns regarding the security of their information.
Key words: new economy, computer crime, cyber crime, IT vulnerability.
1. Introduction
The last decade of the twentieth century was forecasting a global tendency
in the evolution of society, represented by the transition from post-economy
information and knowledge. After nearly 20 years from these forecasts belonging
to famous authors297, we face today the realities and challenges of the globalization
phenomenon, facing the conjunction of three simultaneous revolutions: the
297 J.Naisbbit, Megatendinces, Politica Publishing House, 1989.

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