Assembly marks UNIFEM's first decade, reiterates support for equal rights.

PositionUN General Assembly; United Nations Development Fund for Women

Assembly marks UNIFEM's first decade, reiterates support for equal rights

As the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) celebrated the end of its first decade in October 1987, the General Assembly recommitted itself to principles of sexual equality in late November, adopting seven resolutions concerning the advancement of the status of women.

"The emphasis on the strengthening of national human and institutional capacities to effect the involvement of women in mainstream development efforts honours the vital purposes of the United Nations system," said Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar at the celebration of UNIFEM's 10th anniversary.

At the ceremony on 22 October, six UNIFEM projects -- in Barbados, China, India, Kenya, Peru and Togo -- were cited for innovative contributions to the advancement of women.

The Fund was created by the General Assembly in 1976 as the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women, and was renamed in 1985. It works in autonomous association with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), providing direct financial and technical support to women involved in co-operative activities, food production, fuel and water supply, health services, small business, management and planning. It ensures the needs of both women and men are considered when large-scale assistance is given to developing countries.

In its first 10 years, UNIFEM has made $30 million available to 400 projects targeting rural and urban poor women in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The Fund has trained health, sanitation and pump-repair workers in Kenya; helped create a tailoring, weaving and knitting factory in China which employs 400 young urban girls and...

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