Anniversary of non-aligned movement.

A special observance of the twenty-third anniversary of the founding of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries took place on 13 September at Headquarters.

The President of the thirty-eighth General Assembly, Jorge Illueca of Panama, told the meeting that the Movement and the policy of non-alignment was "the most dynamic and constructive force to promote the objectives of the Charter of the United Nations, as the only valid formula for achieving a new world order based on equality, justice and peace".

These countries, he said, were "mainly committed to efforts to achieve detente and promote international understanding; outside the blocs, they are interceding to prevent confrontations between the Powers which are threatening the world with a nuclear catastrophe."

"Since the establishment of the United Nations", Secretary-General Javier PErez de Cuellar said in a message on the anniversary, "the industitutionalization of the concept of non-alignemtn has proved to be one of the best expressions of the spirit of multilateralism in international affairs".

The Movement, he said, had undertaken the task of overcoming the dangers to humanity "posed by the polarization of the world into two hostile camps, the...

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