Annex B. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc.,concerning treaties and international agreements filed and recorded with the Secretariat

Annex B. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc.,
concerning treaties and international agreements filed and
recorded with the Secretariat
No. 1022. International Fund for Agricultural Development and
Loan Agreement--Rural Credit Project. Rome, 13 July 1988
* Letter of Amendment to the Loan Agreement (Rural Credit
Project) between the Kingdom of Tonga and the International
Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome, 15 July 1993 and
Nuku'alofa, 9 November 1993
Entry into force: 9 November 1993 by countersignature
Authentic text: English
Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: Interna-
tional Fund for Agricultural Development, 1 December 2005

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