Alternative care for the minor deprived of the family environment

AuthorMelo Ilda
PositionDr. Law Faculty, Tirana University, Civil Department
Ilda Melo
Alternative car e is provided to be a social and legal solution for children’s welfare when for different
reasons they a re deprived of the family environment. In this paper will give the social and legal overview of
foster car e, as a new alter native care in the Albanian reality, its advanta ges in the backgrounds o f the Albanian
reality and the state’s role.
Key words: foster car e, foster family, guardia nship, minor, sta ndard, service.
The human rights, their observance and pr otection in the evolving human society comprise now the
basic principles on basis of which the corpus of the international law is built up. Among them, recently it is
always noticed a greater emphasize on protection of children r ights, recognized by law, since the moment of
their birth, b ut unable to be exercised by them until they become adult. There ar e the parents of the child who, by
exercising their parental r esponsibilities, are a ble to achieve their r ights and accomplish their duties acting like
his lega l representa tives. But we often can be found in a situa tion when these children ar e outside the parents
care bec ause of the inability of their na tural par ents to exercise the pa rental responsibility.
Legal framework of foster care service
The lack of parent care and consequently of the legal representative in relation to third parties put at
stake the minor to achieve his rights. Finding the alternative care for them is one of the great challenges for the
society. In the Albanian reality, after the years 90’, we are found evermore before the negative consequences
derived from social phenomena faced b y the Albanian society nowadays. Unemployment, extreme poverty
especially in rural or mountain areas, immigration, social familiar conflicts, divorces comprise some of the social
phenomena, which have negatively influenced on increase of the number of children remained outside the parent
care. Mostly, they are placed under the informal care of their relatives a t best or are found abandoned in the
street, thus exposed toward criminality and prostitution at worst.
Unfortunately we don’t have any ac curate records related to the number of children outside the parent
care who are under informal care. The majority of them are under care of their relatives which de facto take care
of the minors, without having the legal custody over the m. Another part of them, due to unchecked immigration
of people from mountain areas to urban populated areas, results to be still unregistered in the civil registry office.
Accordingly, these categories can not benefit from social services provided. Regarding the minors’ care
records in the formal system, the State Social Service estimates that, in comparison with other countries of the
region, Albania has a small number of children living in residential institutions but the pheno menon has a
tendency to get higher, meanwhile the c hildren categories have changed as well. In 1994, the number of childre n
under residential care was about 400 and the majority of them were abandoned children since birth and
biological orphans. Records in 2011 indicate that the number of children in children’s care institutions is
increased thrice in comparison with the year 1994 and that the majority of the children are “social orphans”
1 and
"children with social problems”.
The increasing number o f minors outside the par ents care and the social issues borne by this
phenomenon obliges the Albanian lawmaker and executive structures to reform the social custodial system.
Based o n the child’s hi ghest interest principle, UN Convention on the child rights lays emphasis on taking o f
appropriate executive and administrative decisive measures for protection of rights of the children outside the
parents care.
The Albanian lawmaker has applied this principle through legal provisions in legislation starting from
constitutional provisions. art. 54 and 59 of the Albanian Constitution provides for the assurance of a special
protection for social vulnerable categories such as mothers or children, elders etc. The Albania n lawmaker has
selected the guard ianship among other alternative forms of caring, such as adoption, as a legal solution for
protection and representation of minors in relatio n to the third parties. The legal adjustment of this institute is
treated in provisions of the Family Code and by-laws for its enforcement.
The new Family Code of 2003 brings a rage of innovations with regard to social care system toward the
Dr. Law Faculty, Tirana
Civil Department, e-mail:
1 Social orphans are considered the minors outside the parent care, whose
natural parents
live but due to physical or financial reasons are not
able to take care of them.

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