Non-state actors and transnational relations in the new global system

AuthorAlina Angela Manolescu
PositionPhD candidate, LUSPIO University of Rome
Alina Angela Manolescu
The present article defines the concept of transnationalism and the main
characteristics of the different actors of civil society. The global civil society plays an
important role within the global governance, as international relations are extended to
transnational actions.
Key-words: transnational relations, governance, globalization, non-state actors.
Globalization has undermined the order based on territorial control of states, and is
deeply stirring the concepts of sovereignty. Legitimacy of states is sometimes undermined, but
sometimes expanding. In a globalized world, sovereignty is divided among several entities,
while sovereign powers are not rigidly defined.
A globalized world
There are three elements we should consider in studying globalization: interests,
equity and governance. The first one is referring to the engine of globalization, that is the
force of powerful interests that motivate globalizers. The second one gives us the picture of
an important uneven distribution of costs and benefits. The last one is the crucial element,
that of the governance. From one hand globalization undermines the legitimacy of states, and
from another one states have bi gger responsibility, as citizens facing crisis rely more on
national institution. Globalization drives people to the reassurance of the national institutions.
Therefore, states are strengthened as governments collaborate to extend their influence across
frontiers and around the world.
In this context of crisis of the nation-state, a new link can be made between
democracy and law, through the concept of sovereignty. This concept should be re-
considered, since sovereignty related to the territory results inadequate. It is evident than, that
a transnational legal order arises, available to incorporate the contribution of new players in a
dynamic manner.
The role of non-state actors in the international relations
There are a large number of partners involved in the legal and economic process of
globalization. They have the ability to give voice to a new kind of public interest, and civil
society recognizes their authority. These include big corporations, NGOs, intergovernmental
organizations, social movements, civil society, policy networks, issue networks and
communities of experts.
While the international actors of the modern society were sovereign states, nowadays
the coordination of actors is broader and includes three types of subjects: states and
PhD candidate, LUSPIO University of Rome
Ferrarese Mar ia Rosaria, Le istituzioni della globalizzazione. Diritto e diritti nella società transnazionale, Ed.
Il mulino, 2000.

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