Resolution nº S/RES/2175 (2014) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2175 (2 014)
Security Council
Distr. : Gener al
29 Aug ust 201 4
Resolution 2175 (2014)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7256th meeting, on
29 August 2014
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reiterating its prima ry res ponsibil ity fo r the main tenance of intern ationa l
peac e and secu rity a nd, i n thi s con text, the n eed t o pro mote and e nsure respect for
the p rincipl es and r ules of internat ional hu manitar ian law,
Recalling Sec urity Coun cil resol ution 150 2 ( 2003) on th e P rotectio n o f
Huma nitarian Personn el, its re solutio ns 1265 (1999), 129 6 (2000) , 1 674 (200 6),
1738 (2 006) and 189 4 ( 2009) on the pr otection o f c ivilians in ar med confli ct, as
well as oth er r elevant res olutions an d s tatement s o f it s P resident on pro tecti on of
civil ians in armed c onflict and on p rotectio n of Un ited Na tions pe rsonnel, associa ted
perso nnel an d human itarian personne l in co nflict zo nes,
Recalling the Geneva Co nventio ns o f 19 49 a nd t heir A ddition al P rotocols of
1977 , and the obl igation of parti es to arm ed c onflict to respec t an d ens ure respect
for i nternati onal hu manitari an law in all ci rcumsta nces,
Recalling th e Conve ntion on the Sa fety of U nited N ations a nd Associ ated
Pers onnel, a nd its O ptional Protoco l,
Recalling all r elevant Gene ral Ass embly resolu tions, inclu ding r esolutio ns
68/1 01 entitl ed Safet y and secu rity of hu manitari an perso nnel and p rotection of
Unit ed Nation s p ersonne l, and 68/1 02 entitled Stre ngtheni ng the Coordi nation of
huma nitarian emergen cy assi stance o f the Un ited Nat ions,
Reaffirming the need for all p arties to armed confli ct to resp ect the
huma nitarian principl es of human ity, neutral ity, impart iality and independ ence in
order to ensu re the pr ovision of hum anitaria n assist ance, the safety of civi lians
rece iving assistan ce and the securi ty of humani tarian person nel an d Uni ted Na tions
and i ts asso ciated p ersonnel ,
Recalling the inclusi on of attac ks int entional ly dir ected agains t pe rsonnel
invo lved in a hum anitaria n as sistance or peace keeping miss ion in ac cordanc e wi th
the Charter, as long as the y are en titled t o the pr otection given to civi lians or
civil ian ob jects under the i nternati onal l aw of armed conf lict, a s a war c rime i n t he
Rome Statute of the I nternat ional Cr iminal C ourt,
Emphasizing the r esponsi bility o f States to co mply wi th their releva nt
obli gations to e nd impun ity and to t horoughl y investi gate and pr osecute p ersons

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