Resolution nº S/RES/2457(2019) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2457 (2 019)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
27 F ebruary 2019
19-033 57 (E) 28021 9
Resolution 2457 (2019)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8473 rd meeting, on
27 Februa ry 201 9
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reaf firm ing its p rimary respons ibility under the C harter of the Unite d Nati ons
for the mai ntenance of int ernatio nal peac e and security as wel l as it s commi tment t o
upho ld the P urposes and Pri nciples of the C harter o f the U nited Na tions,
Reca llin g that the pre vention of co nflict remai ns a p rimary resp onsibili ty of
Stat es, and further rec alling thei r re sponsib ility to protect ci vilians and to resp ect
huma n righ ts, as prov ided f or by releva nt in ternatio nal la w, a nd fur ther r eaffirmi ng
the respon sibility of each individ ual St ate to prot ect it s popu lations from genoci de,
war crimes, ethnic c leansing , and cr imes ag ainst hu manity,
Reca llin g in this re gard its pre vious Presi dential St atements a nd resolut ions
conc erning t he vario us facto rs and causes t hat play a role in trigge ring, w orsening or
prolo nging c onflicts in Afric a,
Expre ssing co ncern o ver confl icts in d ifferent geograp hic area s, and rei tera ting
that the United Nation sc ooperat ion wi th reg ional and subregio nal or ganizati ons i s
criti cal to co ntributi ng to the prevent ion of th e outbre ak, esca lation, c ontinuat ion and
recu rrence o f confli ct, in li ne with Chapter VIII of the Uni ted Nati ons Charter,
Noti ng tha t Africa still face s enor mous c halleng es, in cluding: gove rnance
defi cits, economic diffi culties, high rates of unempl oyment, the misman agement of
ethni c diver sity, comp etition over po wer and r esource s, state fragilit y and w eak stat e
insti tutions, ungove rned spa ces whic h leave room fo r illega l activit ies, the continu ed
flow of weapo ns in to t he co ntinent and their illi cit c irculati on, mercenar y ac tivity,
insur gencies and rebe llions, inadequa te borde r monito ring and control that fac ilita tes
tran snationa l organiz ed crime , illicit exploita tion of n atural re sources , contin ued
crisi s that precip itate irreg ular migra tion, corr uption, ill icit financ ial flows whi ch
facil itate fu nding for illegal activiti es, clima te chan ge and n atural di sasters, and slow
proc esses in the rat ificatio n of AU in strumen ts and p olicies,
Reaf firm ing the nee d to add ress the multidi mension al natur e of peac e and
secur ity chall enges fac ing African countrie s emerging from conf lict, and e mphasizi ng
the import ance of a compr ehensiv e and integ rated approa ch for peac e bui lding and
sust aining p eace, wi th a vie w to pre venting them fr om rela psing in to confl ict,

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