Resolution nº S/RES/2458(2019) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2458 (2 019)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
28 F ebruary 2019
19-034 43 (E)
Resolution 2458 (2019)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8474 th meeting, on
28 Februa ry 201 9
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions, st atements of it s P resident an d pr ess
state ments on th e situ ation in Gu inea-B issau, in pa rticular reso lutions 1876 (2009 ),
2030 (2011 ), 2048 (201 2), 2092 (20 13), 2103 (2 013), 2157 (201 4), 2186 (20 14), 2203
(201 5), 22 67 (201 6) 2343 (2017) and 2404 ( 2018),
Taking no te of the repo rt of the Secre tary-G eneral on Gu inea-B issau, dat ed
6 Febr uary 2 019 ( S/2019/ 115) and the reco mmendati ons c ontained ther ein, t he
spec ial repor t dated 6 Decembe r 2018 ( S/2018/ 1086 ) on the asse ssment o f the Uni ted
Nati ons Integr ation Pea cebuildi ng Office i n G uinea -Bissau ( UNIOGBI S), and
unde rscoring the S ecretary -Gener al’s po sitive apprecia tion of the ro le of his Spe cial
Repr esentati ve and he ad of UNI OGBIS in assisti ng the Go vernment of Guine a-
Biss au,
Reaf firm ing its stro ng comm itment t o the so vereignt y, unit y and te rritoria l
integ rity of Guine a B issau, emp hasizing t hat the Bissau -Guin ean author ities have
prima ry resp onsibil ity for t he prov ision of stabili ty and s ecurity through out the
terri tory of t he c ountry, and unders coring the impor tance of nationa l ow nership to
impl ement in clusive politic al, peac e and se curity r elated i nitiativ es,
Stres sing the conti nued nee d for the G overnme nt of Guin ea-Bis sau to take
conc rete step s towar ds ensur ing peac e, secur ity and stabili ty in the country, by
inclu sively r esolving the Gui nea Biss au polit ical cris is, organ izing fr ee, fair, c redible
and tr anspare nt legisla tive and p resident ial elec tions as s tipulate d in the Bis sau-
Guin ean C onstitut ion, effective ly re forming the securi ty se ctor, t ackling corru ption
thro ugh the rein forceme nt of the judi cial syst em, impro ving publi c adminis tration an d
Stat e revenu e mana gement, as well as the supply of b asic ser vices t o the p opulatio n,
promo ting and protec ting huma n rights and com mending its com mitment t o the
impl ementati on of it s nation al prior ities,
Expre ssin g concern regard ing th e neg ative i mpact that the rec ent po litical and
insti tutiona l cri sis h ad o n th e pr ogress made since the res toration of const itutiona l
order followi ng the e lection s held in 2014, t he functi oning o f the Sta te appar atus and
the i mplemen tation o f Guine a-Biss au refor m agend a,

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