Resolution nº S/RES/2499(2019) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/2499 (2019)
Security Council
Distr.: Gen eral
15 Novem ber 2019
19-19827 (E)
Resolution 2499 (2019)
Ado pted by the Security Co uncil at its 8666t h meet ing, on
15 November 2019
The Secu rity Council,
Recallin g a ll of i ts previous resolution s, statemen ts of i ts Presid ent, and press
statemen ts on the situ ation in the Ce ntral African Repu blic (CAR),
Reaffirm ing it s strong commi tment to the sovereignty, indep endence, unity and
territor ial in tegrity of t he C AR, an d recal ling the importance of the principle s of
non-interfe rence, good-n eighbourliness and regional c ooperation,
Reaffirm ing the ba sic principles of pe acekeeping, such as consent of the part ies,
impartia lity, and non-use of f orce, except in sel f-defence and de fence of the mandat e,
recognisin g that the man date of each peaceke eping mission is speci fic to the need and
situatio n of the count ry concern ed, und erlinin g that the mandates that i t authoris es
are cons istent with t he basic prin ciples, reite rating that the Sec urity Council expects
full d elivery of the mandates it autho rises, and recalling in this regar d its resol ution
2436 (2018),
Recallin g that th e CAR authorities have the p rimary responsib ility to protect a ll
populati ons in the CAR in parti cular from genoc ide, war crimes, et hnic cleansing and
crimes aga inst humanity, and recall ing in thi s regard the importa nce of restoring sta te
authorit y in all parts of the country,
Emphasiz ing that a ny sustai nable sol ution to the crisis i n the CAR sho uld b e
CAR-owne d, includi ng the political process, and shoul d prioriti ze reconcil iation of
the Centra l Afri can people, throug h an inclusive proc ess that involves me n and
women of all soc ial, economic, polit ical, religious and et hnic backgrounds, in cluding,
those di splaced by the crisis,
Welcoming the signing of th e Agreement on Peace and R econciliation in the
CAR by the CAR authorities and 14 ar med grou ps in Bang ui on 6 F ebruary 2 019
(“the Peace Agreement ”), after the pea ce talks that took place i n Khartoum, Sudan,
from 24 January to 5 Fe bruary 2019 , wit hin the framework of the African Initiative
for Peace and Recon ciliation in the CA R and under the ausp ices of the African Uni on
Condemni ng in the st rongest terms vio lations of the Peace Agree ment and
violence perp etrated by armed groups and other militi as, t hroughout the country,
includin g in Paou a in May 2019 and in the Vakaga prefecture in Septemb er a nd
October 2019, incitement to eth nic and religious hatred and viole nce, viola tions of
internat ional humanitarian law and human rights violat ions a nd ab uses, including
those committ ed against children and those invol ving sexual and g ender-based
violence in conflict , as well as viol ence direc ted at civ ilians from specifi c
communit ies, resulting in deat hs, injuries a nd displace ments,
Stressing the urgent and impe rative ne ed to end impunity in the CA R and to
bring to j ustice p erpetrators of vi olations of inter national humanitarian law and of
abuses a nd violations o f human rights ,
Underlin ing the contin ued need to support nationa l efforts towar ds the extension
of State authority and the reform of the security s ector (SSR) in the CAR,
Welcoming the work carr ied out by MINUSCA and the European Unio n Training
Mission in the CAR (EUTM-RC A), as w ell as t he suppo rt of CA R’s o ther
internat ional and regional partners, incl uding France, the Russian Federati on, t he
United St ates and the Peop le’s Republic of China, to train and enhance the c apacities
of the CAR defence and security forces, and e ncourag ing coherence, transpare ncy
and effec tive coordinat ion of internat ional support to the CAR,
Condemni ng cross-bor der cr iminal activities, such as arms trafficking, illic it
trade, illeg al exploita tion, and smuggling of natur al resources , including gold,
diamonds , wildlife poaching and t rafficking, the us e of mercenaries, as wel l as the
illicit tra nsfer, destab ilising ac cumulation and misuse of small arms a nd light
weapons, that threat en the peac e and sta bility of t he CAR and stressing th e need for
CAR authorities to finali se and implement, in coope ration wit h relevant partners, a
strategy to tackle the illegal exploi tation and smug gling of natur al resources,
Taking note of the upcoming presiden tial, legislat ive and local electi ons in 2020
and 2021 and underlini ng the primary responsi bility of th e CAR authoriti es to
organise inclusive, free, fair, transp arent, cred ible, and peaceful electoral processes
in acc ordance with constit utional timel ines, includ ing the full, e ffective and
meaningf ul partici pation of women, reaffirming the imp ortance of the p articipation
of the youth, and encoura ging the CAR authori ties, with the support of relevant
partners , t o p romote the participat ion of internally displa ced persons (IDPs ) a nd
refugees in accordance with the Consti tution of the CAR,
Recallin g its resolutions on the protection of civilia ns in armed confl ict, o n
Children and Armed Conf lict, and on Women Peace and Security and calling up on all
the parties in the CAR to enga ge with the Special R epresentative on Children and
Armed Co nflict and the Special Repr esentative on S exual Violence in C onflict,
Expressing serious concern about the dir e humanit arian sit uation in the CAR
and the consequ ences of the security s ituation on humanit arian acces s, condem ning
in the strongest terms continued attacks aga inst humanitarian workers, and emphasising
the cur rent humanita rian needs o f more than half of th e population of the coun try as
well as the alarming si tuation of IDP s and refuge es in neighbou ring countries,
Recognis ing the ad verse effects of cli mate change, ec ological changes a nd
natural disasters, among other factors, on the stabili ty of the Central African region,
includin g t hrough drought, deser tification, land degr adation, food ins ecurity, and
energy access, and stressing the need for ad equate risk a ssessment by the United
Nations relating to these factors and for long -term str ategies by governments of the
Central African regi on and the United Nations to suppor t s tabilisati on a nd build
resilien ce,
Condemni ng in the s trongest t erms all attack s, provoc ations and incitement to
violence against MI NUSCA and other internationa l forces by armed group s or other
perpetra tors, paying tribute to the personnel of MINUSCA who s acrificed th eir lives
in the servic e of peace, underlinin g that attack s targeting peace keepers may constitu te

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