Resolution nº S/RES/2552 (2020) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2552 (2 020)
Security Council
Distr. : Gener al
12 N ovember 2020
20-1511 7 (E)
Resolution 2552 (2020)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8776 th meeting, on
12 Novembe r 2020
The Security Counci l,
Reca llin g all of its previou s reso lutions, stat ements of it s Pres ident, and p ress
state ments o n the si tuation in the C entral Afr ican Re public ( CAR),
Reaf firm ing its stro ng com mitment to the sovereig nty, indep endence , unity and
terri torial inte grity of the CAR, a nd recallin g the impo rtance of the pri nciples of
non- interfer ence, go od-nei ghbourli ness an d region al coope ration,
Reaf firm ing t he basic prin ciples of peaceke eping, su ch as con sent of the parties,
impa rtiality, an d non-u se of for ce, exce pt in self -defenc e and def ence of th e mandat e,
recog nisi ng th at the man date of eac h peacek eeping mi ssion is s pecific to the need a nd
situa tion of th e cou ntry concerne d, underlin ing t hat t he ma ndates that it a uthorise s
are consiste nt with the ba sic pri nciples, reitera ting tha t the S ecurity Council expect s
full deliver y of t he man dates it auth orises, and recalling in this regard its res olution
2436 (2018) ,
Reca llin g th at the CA R authori ties hav e the pri mary res ponsibil ity to pr otect all
popu lations i n the CAR in partic ular from genocid e, war cri mes, ethn ic clean sing and
crim es agains t humani ty, and recalling in t his regar d the impo rtance of restorin g state
auth ority in all part s of the countr y,
Emph asiz ing that any sustaina ble s olution to the crisis in the CAR should be
CAR- owned, inclu ding the po litical proce ss, an d sho uld p rioritiz e reco nciliati on of
the C entral Afri can peop le, throu gh an inc lusive p rocess t hat invol ves men and
wome n of all social, e conomic , politic al, relig ious and ethnic ba ckgroun ds, inclu ding
those displa ced by t he crisi s,
Welcomi ng the si gning o f the P olitical Agreeme nt on Peace a nd Rec onciliat ion
in the CAR by the CAR auth orities and 14 a rmed groups in Bangui on 6 Fe bruar y
2019 (“t he P eace Agreeme nt”), after the peac e ta lks that took place in Kha rtoum,
Suda n, within the fram ework of the Africa n Initiat ive for P eace and R econcil iation in
the CAR an d under the au spices of the A frican U nion ( AU) and emph asi zing th at its
implem entation is the only via ble pat h for pe ace and stabilit y in the CAR,
Welcomi ng progr ess in the implem entation of the P eace Ag reement , incl uding
legis lation on dec entrali sation, the st atus of politi cal pa rties a nd the opposi tion, a nd
a pens ion re gime f or fo rmer elec ted p resident s, de crees setti ng in motio n the
esta blishmen t of the Commi ssion on Tru th, Ju stice, Repara tion and R econcil iation,
and t he comp letion o f traini ng for t he first special mixed security units ( USMS),
Cond emn ing in th e strong est term s violati ons of th e Peace Agr eement a nd
viol ence perpe trated by ar med groups a nd other mil itias, thro ughout th e c ountry,
inclu ding thei r use of la ndmines , violenc e aiming a t obstruc ting the e lectoral process,
incit ement to ethn ic and religi ous hatred an d violenc e, violatio ns of interna tional
huma nitarian law and h uman rig hts viol ations an d abuses , includi ng those committ ed
again st chil dren and those i nvolving sexual and gen der-ba sed viol ence in conflict , as
well as vio lence d irected at civi lians f rom spe cific commun ities, r esultin g in de aths,
injur ies and displac ements,
Stres sing the urgent and impera tive need to end impunit y in the CAR and to
bring to justi ce p erpetrat ors of vi olations of inter nationa l hum anitari an la w an d of
viol ations an d abuse s of hu man rig hts,
Unde rlin ing t he continu ed need to su pport nati onal effort s towards the ext ension
of S tate auth ority a nd the r eform of the se curity se ctor (S SR) in t he CAR,
Welcomi ng the wor k c arried out by MIN USCA, the Africa n U nion Obser ver
Miss ion in the CAR (MOUA CA), th e Europ ean Uni on Train ing Mis sion in the CA R
(EUT M-RCA) and th e Europea n Union Adv isory Mis sion in the C AR (EUAM -RCA) ,
as well a s the suppor t of CAR’s o ther in ternat ional and re gional partner s, inc luding
Fran ce, the Rus sian Fede ration, t he United States and the Peopl e’s Republ ic of China ,
to trai n and enhanc e the capaci ties of the CA R d efence an d security fo rces, and
enco urag ing co herence, transp arency and eff ective coo rdinati on of i nternat ional
supp ort to th e CAR,
Cond emn ing cro ss-bord er criminal ac tivities , su ch as arms traffi cking, illi cit
trad e, ille gal e xploitat ion, a nd sm uggling of natu ral re sources, incl uding gol d,
diam onds, wildlif e poa ching and trafficki ng, the u se o f mer cenaries , as well as the
illic it tra nsfer, des tabilisin g acc umulati on an d mis use o f sma ll arm s and ligh t
weap ons, that thre aten the peac e and sta bility of the C AR, ca lling upo n th e
Gove rnment of C AR to work with neighb ouring countr ies to sec ure it s bord ers an d
othe r entry point s to prevent the cross- border flows of arm ed co mbatants , arms and
conf lict min erals an d stres sing the nee d f or C AR auth orities to f inalise and
impl ement, in c ooperati on with re levant par tners, a st rategy to t ackle the i llega l
expl oitation and smu ggling of natur al resou rces,
Taking n ote of th e upcomin g presid ential, le gislativ e and loca l electio ns in 202 0
and 2021 and un der lini ng the pr imary respons ibility of the CAR author ities i n their
organ ization, noting th eir effo rts to conduct the e lectoral proces s in ac cordanc e with
the Const itution and welcom ing in tha t reg ard th e com mitment s ma de by Presi dent
Touadé ra dur ing th e high level meetin g on the C AR he co-c haired with the AU and
the Econ omic Commun ity of C entral African St ates (ECCAS ) on 1 Octob er 20 20,
noti ng th e opinion of the Co nstituti onal Cou rt that an y change i n consti tutional
time lines should result from a broad nationa l con sultatio n and cons ensus, stres sin g
that onl y i nclusive , f ree, fair, transp arent, cred ible, pe aceful and time ly election s,
undi sturbed by disinfor mation and other forms of ma nipulati on of infor mation, can
bring lasti ng sta bility to the CAR, inclu ding t hrough the f ull, eq ual an d mea ningful
part icipation of wo men, rea ffir ming th e import ance of the pa rticipat ion of the yout h,
and enco urag ing the CAR au thoritie s, with the supp ort of r elevant partner s, to
prom ote the pa rticipat ion of inte rnally di splaced p ersons (I DPs) and refugee s in
acco rdance w ith the Constit ution of the CAR ,
Reca llin g its reso lutions on th e p rotectio n o f c ivilians in ar med confli ct, on
Chil dren and Ar med Conf lict, and on Women Pe ace and Se curity a nd call ing upon all

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