Resolution nº S/RES/2275 (2016) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2275 (2 016)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
24 M arch 201 6
16-0495 3 (E)
Resolution 2275 (2016)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7655 th mee ting, on
24 Marc h 2016
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions an d sta tements of its Pr esident on th e
situa tion in Somalia ,
Reaf firm ing its respe ct for t he sove reignty, t erritori al integ rity, poli tical
inde pendenc e, and u nity of Somalia,
Stron gly co ndemnin g rec ent a ttacks by the te rrorist gro up Al-S habaab,
expre ssing s erious c oncern at t he ongoi ng thre at pose d by Al -Shabaa b, and
reiter atin g its determi nation to suppor t effo rts, includin g th rough a c omprehe nsive
appr oach, to red uce th e thre at pos ed by Al-Sha baab i n Soma lia, i n acco rdance with
appl icable interna tional law, i ncluding inter national huma n righ ts la w, in ternatio nal
refug ee law and inte rnation al human itarian law,
Payi ng tri bute to the brav ery a nd sac rifices ma de by the Afric an Uni on
Miss ion in Somalia (AM ISOM) and Som ali Natio nal Ar my personne l i n th e f ight
agai nst Al-Sha baab ,
Comm end ing the role o f the United N ations Assi stance Mi ssion in So malia
(UNS OM) in supporti ng p eace and reconc iliatio n, th e st ate formati on p rocess and
the p romotio n and pr otectio n of hum an right s in S omalia,
Expre ssin g it s full s upport for the n ew Spec ial Rep resentat ive of the Secr etary -
Gene ral a nd He ad of UNSO M, M ichael Keatin g, an d the new Special
Repr esentati ve of the Chairp erson of the Afric an Union Com mission fo r S omalia
and t he Head of AMIS OM, Fra ncisco Caetano José Ma deira,
Welcoming th e holdin g of the Summit of the Heads o f State and Gov ernment o f
the Tro op and Po lice Contri buting Co untries of AM ISOM in Djibo uti on
28 Fe bruary 2016 , and thei r commitme nt to impr oving coo rdination within AMI SOM,
Welcoming the dec ision b y the Federal Govern ment o f Somal ia on an el ectoral
model for 2016, commending the lead ers of Somalia ’s e xisting and em erging f ederal
member states for th eir effor ts to reach a compromis e, and recallin g t he commi tment
of the FGS and the regional sta te le aders to deliver an elector al pr ocess in A ugust
2016, alongside the d evelopment and imp lementatio n of a roadmap between now and
2020, in particu lar to rea ch one per son, one vo te electio ns by 2020 ,

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