Resolution nº S/RES/1631 (2005) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/1631 (2005)
Security Council
Distr.: General
17 October 2005
05-55642 (E) 171005
Resolution 1631 (2005)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5282nd meeting, on
17 October 2005
The Security Council
Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations,
its previous relevant resolutions and presidential statements,
Wel co mi ng
the adoption of the 2005 World Summit Outcome (A/RES/60/1),
its invitation of January 1993 to regional organizations to improve
coordination with the United Nations, the Declaration of the General Assembly of
December 1994 on the enhancement of cooperation between the United Nations and
regional arrangements or agencies (A/RES/49/57), its meeting on “The Security
Council and Regional Organizations: Facing the New Challenges to international
Peace and Security”, held on 11 April 2003 under the Mexican presidency, and its
debate on “Cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations in
stabilization processes”, held on 20 July 2004 under the Romanian presidency,
Wel co mi ng
the Conclusions of the Chairman of the Sixth High-Level Meeting
between the United Nations and Regional and other Intergovernmental
Organizations (25-26 July 2005),
its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international
peace and security,
that the growing contribution made by regional organizations in
cooperation with the United Nations can usefully complement the work of the
organization in maintaining international peace and security, and
in this
regard that such contribution must be made in accordance with Chapter VIII of the
United Nations Charter,
the necessity to support capacity-building and cooperation at
regional and subregional level in maintaining international peace and security, and
noting in particular the importance of strengthening the capacity of African regional
and subregional organizations,
the resolve of Heads of State and Government of the 2005
World Summit to expand, as appropriate, the involvement of regional organizations
in the work of the Security Council, and to ensure that regional organizations that

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