Resolution nº S/RES/2200 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2200 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
12 F ebruary 2015
Resolution 2200 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7380th meeting, on
12 February 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Recalling its previ ous resolut ions and state ments of its Presid ent concern ing
Suda n,
Reaffirming its co mmitme nt to the cause o f p eace throu ghout Suda n, to the
sove reignty, indep endence , un ity and territo rial integri ty o f S udan, and to the full
and timely impl ementat ion o f reso lution 1591 (2005), and recall ing t he imp ortance
of the princ iples of good neighb ourline ss, non-in terferen ce a nd cooperat ion in t he
relat ions among Stat es i n th e re gion, and recalling that the Gove rnment of Suda n
bear s t he primary res ponsibi lity for prote cting all pop ulations wi thin its terri tory,
with re spect for the rul e of law, internat ional huma n r ights la w a nd interna tional
huma nitarian law,
Reiterating the nee d for a n end t o the v iolence and con tinued abuses i n Darfu r,
underscoring the import ance of fully addr essing the root cau ses of t he c onflict in
the search f or a sus tainable peace, and recognizing th at the D arfur co nflict cannot b e
resol ved mi litarily and a durab le solu tion ca n only be ob tained through an i nclusive
poli tical pro cess,
Noting the impo rtance of the work of the A frican Unio n Hig h-Lev el
Impl ementati on Pan el (AU HIP), t he aim s of t he Do ha Doc ument for Peace in
Darf ur (DDPD ), and the stated c ommitme nt of the Gover nment of Sudan to an
inclu sive nat ional dia logue bu ilding on the AUHIP ’s ongo ing peac e efforts, and
calling for an e nvironme nt cond ucive to that na tional d ialogue,
Expressing deep concern at the in creased viole nce a nd ins ecurity in Darfur in
rece nt months, inc luding figh ting betwee n the governm ent and armed gr oups and
inter -commun al fighti ng, expres sing deep c oncern th at such vio lence has h ad an
adve rse effe ct on t he secu rity s ituation , has c ontribut ed to t he sign ificant increas e in
the numbe r of in ternally displa ced pers ons obs erved i n 2014, and conti nues to
restr ict h umanita rian access to c onflict area s whe re vu lnerable civi lian p opulati ons
resid e, and reaffirming the cru cial need to ad dress the urg ent humani tarian cri sis
face d by the pe ople o f Darf ur, incl uding by fac ilitatin g safe, timel y and unhind ered
huma nitarian acces s to all are as by humanit arian agencies and personne l, con sistent
with t he United N ations gu iding prin ciples o f humanit arian ass istance, i ncluding

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