Resolution nº S/RES/2295 (2016) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2295 (2 016)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
29 J une 2016
16-11177 (E)
Resolution 2295 (2016)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7727 th mee ting, on
29 June 2016
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pr evious resolu tions, in pa rticular 2227 (2015 ) and 2100 (2013 ),
its Pres idential Sta tement of 6 Februa ry 20 15 ( S/PRST /201 5/5 ), and its pres s
state ments, includin g of 12 January 2016, c oncerni ng the situati on in Ma li,
Reaf firm ing its str ong com mitment to the s overeig nty, unity and ter ritorial
integ rity of Ma li, empha sizi ng th at the Mali an author ities have p rimary
respo nsibili ty fo r the pro vision of stabilit y and sec urity through out the t erritory o f
Mali , an d u nder scor ing the import ance of achievi ng n ational own ership of peace -
and security -related initiati ves,
Reaf firm ing the ba sic princ iples of peaceke eping, i ncluding consent of the
part ies, imp artialit y, a nd non -use of force, excep t in s elf-defenc e and defence of th e
mand ate, an d recog nizing that th e manda te of each pe acekeep ing mis sion is specifi c
to th e need a nd situa tion of the coun try conc erned, a nd al so reca llin g it s
Pres idential Stateme nt of 25 of Nov ember 2 015 (S /PRS T/2 015/ 22),
Reco gniz ing the legi timate asp iration of al l M alian citi zens to enjo y l asting
peac e and de velopme nt,
Reco gniz ing t hat the Agre ement on Pe ace and R econcili ation in M ali (“the
Agre ement”) signed in 2015 by the Govern ment o f Mali, the Pl ate form e c oalition of
arme d group s, and the Coordin atio n de s Mou veme nts de l’Az awa d c oalition of
arme d group s, repre sents a historic opportu nity to achieve lasting peace i n Mali,
Cons ider ing th e Agreeme nt as balance d and compreh ensive, aiming to add ress
the politi cal, i nstituti onal, governa nce, securit y, d evelopme nt and recon ciliatio n
dime nsions of t he crisis in M ali, respe cting the so vereign ty, unity and t erritoria l
integ rity of the Mal ian Sta te,
Unde rsco rin g that the re sponsib ility for t he ful l and effec tive impleme ntation
of the Agr eement, wh ich has to be Ma lian-led a nd Malian -owned, res ts with the
Gove rnment of Ma li, the Plat efor me and C oordi nati on armed groups, and is cruc ial
to cont ribute to las ting peace in Ma li, drawin g le ssons from pr evious pea ce
agre emen ts,

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