Resolution nº S/RES/2297 (2016) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2297 (2 016)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
7 Ju ly 2016
16-11665 (E)
Resolution 2297 (2016)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7731 st mee ting, on
7 July 20 16
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g all its p revious r esolutio ns and state ments of its Pr esident o n the
situa tion in Somalia ,
Unde rlin ing its respe ct for the s overeig nty, t erritori al inte grity, po litical
inde pendenc e, and u nity of Somalia,
Cond emn ing r ecent Al S habaab a ttacks in Somalia and be yond, exp ressing
serio us conce rn at the on going thr eat posed by Al Shabaa b, and un der linin g it s
conc ern that Al Shaba ab conti nues to hold te rritory and ex tort rev enue in Somalia ,
Expre ssin g ou trage at the los s of civi lian life , in Al S habaab a ttacks, and
payi ng tri bute to t he br avery and sacrific es ma de b y the Africa n Uni on Mi ssion in
Soma lia ( AMISOM ) and the Soma li S ecurity Forc es pe rsonnel in the fight agai nst
Al S habaab,
Reit erating its dete rminatio n to sup port efforts to reduc e th e th reat posed by
Al Shab aab in So malia, a nd under lini ng it s commit ment to su pport an i nclusive
Soma li-le d politi cal peac e and r econcili ation pr ocess,
Expre ssing gra ve concern at the cont inued vio lations an d abuses of h uman
right s and v iolation s of int ernation al huma nitaria n law i n Somali a,
Welcomi ng the posi tive contrib utions that the UN Sup port Office in Soma lia
(UNS OS) has made to su pportin g t he gains made by AMI SOM and th e
UN Assi stance Missio n in Somal ia (U NSOM), and under sco ring t he imp ortance of
an effect ive partner ship betwee n th e U nited Nation s, t he Af rican Union (AU ) and
Memb er Stat es in So malia,
Reco gniz ing t hat t he Fe deral Gov ernment of So malia (FGS ) has a
respo nsibili ty to p rotect its citi zens an d build its ow n natio nal sec urity f orces,
noti ng that the se forc es sho uld be inclusiv e and represen tative of Soma lia and act in
full comp liance with thei r oblig ations u nder int ernation al huma nitarian law and
inter nationa l human rights l aw, and reaffirmi ng the inte nt of in ternatio nal part ners to
supp ort the FGS in a chievi ng this,

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