Resolution nº S/RES/2213 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2213 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
27 M arch 201 5
Resolution 2213 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7420th meeting, on
27 March 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Recalling it s resol ution 1 970 (20 11) and all its s ubseque nt resol utions on
Liby a,
Reaffirming its stro ng comm itment t o the s overeig nty, indep endence , territo rial
integ rity an d nation al unity of Liby a,
Welcoming the ong oing effo rts of the Unit ed Nati ons Sup port Mi ssion in Libya
(UNS MIL) and the Spec ial Represe ntative of the Secr etary -General to fac ilitate a
Liby an-led po litical s olution to the incre asing cha llenges fa cing the c ountry an d
underlining the imp ortance of agre ement, in accor dance with the prin ciples of
natio nal ownersh ip, on immedia te n ext steps towar ds complet ing Libya s politic al
tran sition, i ncludin g the for matio n of a na tional unity go vernment ,
Welcoming th e on going UN -facili tated poli tical dia logue, recognising the
cont ribution of Memb er States to host and supp ort meetings of tha t di alogue, and
emphasizing the necessi ty for the construc tive p articipa tion o f th e elec ted Ho use o f
Repr esentati ves a nd oth er Li byan parties to t ake f orward the democr atic t ransitio n,
buil d state i nstituti ons and start th e recons tructio n of Lib ya,
Grav ely c oncerne d at the gr owing tre nd o f terr orist gro ups i n Lib ya t o
proc laim allegia nce to I slamic State in Iraq and the Lev ant (ISIL) (also kno wn as
Daesh) and t he c ontinue d p resence of oth er Al -Qaida -linked ter rorist grou ps and
indi viduals op erating t here, reaffirming the ne ed t o co mbat by all mea ns, in
acco rdance with the Charter of the United Natio ns an d inte rnation al la w, i ncludin g
appl icable inter national human rights , refug ee and humani tarian law, threa ts to
inter nationa l peace and secur ity cau sed by terr orist acts, and recalling, in th is
rega rd, the obligatio ns unde r resolu tion 21 61 (201 4),
Expressing deep conc ern at the thre at po sed by unsecu red arms and
ammu nition in Lib ya and their prol iferatio n, which unde rmines sta bility in Liby a
and the region, inclu ding through trans fer to terr orist and v iolent extremi st gr oups,
and und erlining th e i mportan ce of coordina ted interna tional sup port to Libya an d
the r egion to addres s these issues,

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