Resolution nº S/RES/2399 (2018) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /2399 (2018)
Security Council
Dist r.: G eneral
30 J anuary 2018
18-0 1390 ( E)
Resolution 2399 (2018)
Adopted by the Sec urity Council at its 8169th meeting , on
30 January 2018
The Securi ty Cou ncil
Reca llin g
its prev ious resolu tions and sta tements on the Ce ntral African Repu blic
(CAR ), in part icular re solutions 2121 (2013), 2127 (20 13), 2134 (2014), 21 49 (2014 ),
2181 (2014), 2196 (2015), 2212 (2015), 2217 (2015), 2262 (2016), 2264 (2016), 2281
(2016), 2301 (2016), 233 9 (2017) , 2387 (2017) as well a s resolut ion 2272 (2016), and
the Stateme nts of its P resident of 18 Dece mber 20 14 (S/ PRST /201 4/28 ), 20 Oct ober
2015 (S/PR ST/2 015/ 17), 16 N ovember 2016 (S /PR ST/20 16/1 7), 4 April 20 17
(S/PR ST/20 17/5 ), a nd 13 Ju ly 2017 (S/PRST/ 2017 /9),
Rea ffir min g
its strong commit ment to the so vereign ty, indep endence , unity and
terri torial int egrity of the CA R, and
recal lin g
the impor tance of the pri nciples o f
non- interfer ence, g ood-nei ghbourl iness a nd regi onal co operatio n,
Reca lli ng
tha t the CAR bear s the p rimary resp onsibil ity to prot ect all
popu lations within it s territo ry from g enocid e, war cri mes, eth nic clea nsing an d
crim es agai nst huma nity,
Exp ressi ng
con cern at t he dete rioratio n of the securi ty situa tion, in particu lar in
the sout h-easte rn part and the nort h-wester n p art of the CAR, due to the ongo ing
clas hes betwe en armed groups and o ther arm ed spoil ers in the ir attemp ts to for cefully
gain control of terr itory a nd resou rces an d destab ilize t he count ry, as wel l as the lack
of capacit y of t he nat ional security force s, the limite d autho rity o f the State over a ll
of th e CAR territor y, an d the pe rsisten ce of t he root causes o f the c onflict,
Emp has izin g
t hat any sustain able solutio n to the crisi s in the CAR shou ld be
CAR -owned, incl uding the politica l pro cess, and should prior itize reconci liation of
the C entral Afr ican peo ple, thr ough an inclusi ve proce ss that i nvolves men and
wome n of all so cial, eco nomic, po litical, reli gious and ethnic ba ckgroun ds, inclu ding,
thos e displa ced by the cri sis,
Call ing u pon
t he CA R au thoritie s to con tinue their effor ts to im plement
tran sparent and inclus ive m easures that allow for stabili zation and reconci liation in
the C AR and restore the effe ctive au thority of the St ate ove r all of the terr itory of the
CAR; to fi ght im punity by res toring adminis tration of th e judic iary a nd the crimina l
justi ce syst em, in cluding the pe nitentia ry syst em, th roughou t the c ountry; to ach ieve
the r eform o f the C AR Armed Forces (FACA) an d inter nal secu rity for ces in o rder to
put i n place multi -ethnic , profes sional, and r epublic an secur ity serv ices thr ough

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