Resolution nº S/RES/2219 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2219 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
28 Apr il 2015
Resolution 2219 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7436th meeting, on
28 April 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Recalling it s previo us resol utions and the statemen ts of it s Presid ent rela ting to
the situ ation in Côte dIv oire, in partic ular resol utions 1880 (20 09), 1893 (200 9),
1911 (20 10), 1933 (2 010), 1946 ( 2010), 196 2 (2010), 19 75 (2011), 198 0 (2011),
2000 (2011), 2045 (2 012), 20 62 (201 2), 2101 (2013) , 2112 (2 013), 21 53 (201 4), and
2162 (2014),
Reaffirming its stro ng comm itment t o the sovereig nty, indep endence , territ orial
integ rity and unity of C ôte d Ivoire , and reca lling the importa nce o f the prin ciples
of go od-neig hbourli ness, no n-inter ference and regi onal co operatio n,
Welcoming the spec ial repo rt of the Secret ary-Ge neral da ted 12 Dece mber
2014 (S/20 14/892) , and noting the 2 014 mi dterm report (S/201 4/729), and t he 201 5
Fina l report (S/2015 /252) of the Uni ted Nati ons Gro up of Ex perts,
Welcoming the overall progr ess to wards restori ng sec urity, p eace and st ability
in Cô te dIvoi re, comm ending t he Presid ent and G overnme nt of Côt e dIvoires
cont inued efforts to stabiliz e the securi ty si tuation and promo te ec onomic recov ery
in Côte dIvoire and streng then i nternat ional and re gional cooper ation, and notably
cont inued co operati on with the gov ernment s of Gh ana and Liberia , and calling upon
all na tional sta keholder s to work to gether to co nsolida te the si gnifican t progres s
made so far and to a ddress t he unde rlying c auses of tensio n and co nflict,
Recognizing the continu ed contribu tion the measur es imposed by reso lutions
1572 (2004), 1643 ( 2005), 1975 (2011) and 198 0 (2011), as mod ified b y later
resol utions, includ ing reso lution 2153 (2 014), m ake to the sta bility o f Côte dIvo ire,
inclu ding by cou ntering the illicit transfe r of small arms and l ight weapons in C ôte
dIvoi re, a s we ll as in supp orting post -conflic t pe acebuil ding, disarm ament,
demo bilizati on and reint egratio n (DDR ) and sec urity s ector r eform (SS R), an d
stressing that thes e me asures aim at support ing the p eace proces s in Côte dI voire
with a vi ew to possi bly further modifyin g or lifting al l or part of the re maining
meas ures, i n acco rdance wit h pro gress achi eved i n relat ion to DD R and SS R,
natio nal reconc iliation an d th e f ight agains t i mpunity, and underlining the
signi ficance of a p eaceful, credibl e and tr anspare nt presi dential elec tion in this
rega rd and t he effect ive man agement of arms and rel ated materiel ,

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