Resolution nº S/RES/2226 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2226 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
25 J une 2015
15-1050 3 (E) 250615
Resolution 2226 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7471 st mee ting, on
25 Jun e 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions, in pa rticular re solutio ns 2162 (2014 ) and
2219 (2 015), and th e statemen ts of its Presid ent relati ng to the situa tion in Côte
d’Ivo ire, resoluti ons 2 188 ( 2014), 2190 (2014) and 2215 (2015) on the situatio n in
Libe ria and resoluti on 2164 (2014) on the situatio n in Mal i,
Reaffi rming its stro ng com mitment to th e sove reignty, in dependence , territ orial
integ rity and un ity of Côte d ’Ivoire an d recallin g the princ iples of go od-
neig hbourlin ess, non -interfe rence a nd regio nal coop eratio n,
Reca llin g that the Gov ernment of Cô te d ’Ivoire bea rs primary res ponsibil ity
for e nsuring peace, stabilit y and th e protec tion of civilian s in Cô te d’Ivo ire,
Taking not e of the re port of the Secretary -General of 7 May 2015 (S/2015/320),
Welcomi ng th e progress bein g mad e in Côt e d’I voire on the path o f
reco nciliatio n, s tabilit y and eco nomic recov ery and commen ding the leaders hip of
the P residen t of Côt e d’Ivoi re in th is regar d,
Welcomi ng t he cont inued i mproveme nt in th e se curity s ituation in Cô te
d’Ivo ire, incl uding in the w estern pa rt of the coun try and alo ng the borde r with
Libe ria, while cond emni ng the attac ks of 10 and 16 Jan uary 2015, ack nowl edgi ng
the need to ad dress r emaining challe nges and notin g th e conti nued co operatio n
betwe en the Unite d Nations Op eration in Cô te d’Ivoire ( UNOCI) and t he United
Nati ons M ission in Li beria (UNMIL ), as well as t he Go vernment s of Côte d’Ivoi re
and Liber ia an d cou ntries in the subregio n, in coor dinating acti vities, in cluding on
secur ity, in th e borde r areas in the s ubregion ,
Call ing up on al l Ivor ian s takehold ers, includin g pol itical parties , civi l soci ety
and th e media, to work toget her to cons olidate t he progres s made so fa r and to
addr ess the under lying causes of t ension and co nflict includ ing wit h resp ect to land
and nation ality, e nco urag ing th e Gov ernment of Côte d ’Ivoire to f urther strengt hen
the rule of law, welcom ing the steps taken by the Gover nment of Côte d’Ivoi re to
organiz e and finance the 2015 presid ential election process, including reforms on the
legal framework for elect ions throu gh the ad option of amendmen ts to this framewor k,
welc omin g the wor k u ndertake n b y t he Commiss ion Élector ale Indépen dante, and

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