Resolution nº S/RES/2318 (2016) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2318 (2 016)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
15 N ovember 2016
16-2021 9 (E)
Resolution 2318 (2016)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7810 th mee ting, on
15 Novemb er 2016
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions and it s pr esident ial stateme nts on the
situa tion in Sudan and Sout h Sudan , and i n partic ular, res olutions 1990 (2011), 2 024
(2011 ), 2032 (201 1), 2046 ( 2012), 2047 (20 12), 207 5 (2012), 2104 (2 013), 2126
(201 3), 2 156 (20 14), 217 9 (2014 ), 2205 (2015), 2230 (2015), 2251 (2015) and 2287
(201 6) a s well as presi dential stateme nts S/P RST /201 2/19 an d S/PRS T/2 013/ 14, and
the Counc il’s pre ss s tatement s of 18 J une 2 012, 21 Se ptember 2012 , 28 Septe mber
2012 , 6 May 20 13, 14 June 2013, 14 Februar y 2014 , 17 March 2014, 11 De cember
2014 , and 27 Novemb er 2015 ,
Reaf firm ing its stro ng com mitment to the sovereig nty, indep endence , unity and
terri torial inte grity of Suda n an d So uth Sudan, and to the pur poses and the
princ iples of the Char ter of the United Nation s, and recal ling t he imp ortance of t he
princ iples o f good n eighbou rliness, non-int erferen ce and r egional coopera tion,
Reit erati ng t hat the territo rial bou ndaries of State s shall n ot be alt ered by
forc e, and that any te rritoria l dispu tes sha ll be settled exclu sively by pe aceful
mean s, aff irmi ng the pr iority it atta ches t o the full a nd urge nt imp lementa tion o f all
outst anding issues from the Co mprehe nsive Pea ce Ag reement (C PA), and
unde rsco ring t hat the futur e stat us of A byei s hall b e resol ved b y negot iations
betwe en t he p arties in a m anner consis tent with the CPA and not b y th e uni lateral
actio ns of e ither pa rty,
Reca llin g the comm itments mad e by the Go vernmen t of Sud an a nd t he
Gove rnment of Sou th Suda n in the 20 June 2011 Agre ement b etween the
Gove rnment of Sudan and the S udan P eople’s Libera tion Moveme nt on Tempora ry
Arra ngements fo r th e Admi nistrat ion and Securit y of the Abyei Area , th e 29 Ju ne
2011 Agre ement be tween the Govern ment of th e Sudan a nd the Go vernmen t of
Sout h Sudan on Bor der Securi ty and the Joi nt Politic al and Secur ity Mechan ism
(JPS M), and the 30 J uly 2011 Agreeme nt on th e Border Monito ring Sup port Mi ssion
betwe en th e Gov ernment of Sudan and the G overnme nt of Sout h Suda n, as well as
the 27 Se ptember 2012 A greement s on Coopera tion a nd Secu rity Arr angemen ts, the
JPSM ’s 8 Mar ch 201 3 dec ision, and the I mplement ation Matrix of 12 Ma rch 20 13,

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