Resolution nº S/RES/2125 (2013) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/2125 (2013)
Security Council
Distr.: General
18 November 2013
13-56844 (E)
Resolution 2125 (2013)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7061st meeting, on
18 November 2013
The Security Council
its previous resolutions concerning the situation in Somalia,
especially resolutions 1814 (2008), 1816 (2008), 1838 (2008), 1844 (2008), 1846
(2008), 1851 (2008), 1897 (2009), 1918 (2010), 1950 (2010), 1976 (2011), 2015
(2011), 2020 (2011) and 2077 (2012), as well as the Statement of its President
(S/PRST/2010/16) of 25 August 2010 and (S/PRST/2012/24) of 19 November 2012,
Wel co mi ng
the report of the Secretary-General (S/2013/623), as requested by
resolution 2077 (2012), on the implementation of that resolution and on the situation
with respect to piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia,
its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political
independence and unity of Somalia, including Somalia’s sovereign rights in
accordance with international law, with respect to offshore natural resources,
including fisheries,
While welcoming
the significant decrease in reported incidents of piracy off
the coast of Somalia, which are at the lowest level since 2006,
to be
gravely concerned by the on-going threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea pose
to the prompt, safe, and effective delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia and the
region, to the safety of seafarers and other persons, to international navigation and
the safety of commercial maritime routes, and to other vulnerable ships, including
fishing activities in conformity with international law, and also gravely concerned
by the extended range of the piracy threat into the western Indian Ocean and
adjacent sea areas and increased pirate capacities,
Expressing concern
about the reported involvement of children in piracy off
the coast of Somalia,
that the on-going instability in Somalia contributes to the problem
of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, and stressing the need
to continue the comprehensive response by the international community to repress
piracy and armed robbery at sea and tackle its underlying causes,
need to undertake long-term and sustainable efforts to repress piracy and the need to
create adequate economic opportunities for the citizens of Somalia,

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