Resolution nº S/RES/2246 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2246 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
10 N ovember 2015
15-1964 4 (E)
Resolution 2246 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7554 th mee ting, on
10 Novemb er 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its previous r esolutions concerning the situatio n in Somal ia, especial ly
resolu tions 1 814 (20 08), 18 16 (200 8), 183 8 (2008 ), 1844 (2008 ), 1846 (2008) , 1851
(2008) , 1897 (2009 ), 1918 (2010 ), 1950 (201 0), 1976 (2011), 2015 (2011),
2020 (2011), 2077 (2012) 2125 ( 2013), and 218 4 (2014 ) as well a s the Statemen t of
its P resident ( S/PRST/20 10/16 ) of 2 5 A ugust 2010 and ( S/PRST/201 2/24) o f
19 Nov ember 201 2,
Welcomi ng the repor t of the Secr etary-Ge neral (S/201 5/7 76), as reque sted by
resol ution 218 4 (2 014), on the impl ementat ion of that re solution and on th e
situa tion wi th respe ct to pi racy and armed r obbery at sea off the coast o f Somali a,
Reaf firm ing its re spect fo r t he sover eignty, te rritoria l i ntegrity, politi cal
inde pendenc e, a nd unity of Soma lia, inc luding So malia’s so vereign ri ghts in
acco rdance wi th i nternatio nal law, with res pect to offs hore natu ral resour ces,
inclu ding fi sheries,
Noti ng that th e j oint count er-pirac y efforts of Stat es, region s, organiza tions,
the maritim e indus try, the private sector, think tanks, and c ivil so ciety h ave res ulted
in a steady declin e in p irate at tacks a s well as hij ackings sinc e 2011, and co ntin uing
to be gra vely c oncerne d by the on going threat that piracy and ar med r obbery at se a
pose s to th e prom pt, saf e, and effectiv e deliv ery of humani tarian aid to Somali a and
the regio n, to the safet y of sea farers and other perso ns, t o in ternat ional navigat ion
and the safety of c ommerci al mar itime routes, and to o ther ships, includi ng fis hing
acti vities in confor mity wit h intern ational law,
Expre ssing conce rn about the repor ted involve ment of childre n in pir acy off
the coast of Soma lia, reporte d se xual exploit ation of women and child ren in ar eas
cont rolled by pirate s, a s we ll a s th eir reported co ercion to partic ipate in activit ies
that support piracy,
Furt her reaffirmi ng that interna tional law, as reflecte d i n the Un ited Nations
Conv ention on the L aw o f the Sea of 10 De cember 1982 (“Th e Con vention ”), se ts
out the legal fram ework appli cable to activiti es in the ocea n, i ncluding cou ntering
pira cy and a rmed ro bbery at sea,

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