Resolution nº S/RES/2339 (2017) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2339 (2 017)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
27 J anuary 2 017
17-0128 6 (E)
Resolution 2339 (2017)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7872 nd mee ting, on
27 January 2017
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions a nd st atements on the Cen tral Africa n
Repu blic (CAR), in parti cular resolu tions 2121 (201 3), 2 127 (2013), 2134 (2014) ,
2149 (2 014), 2181 (201 4), 2196 (2015), 2 212 (2015) , 22 17 (2015) , 22 62 (2016),
2264 (201 6), 22 81 (2 016), 2301 (2016) as well as resoluti on 2 272 (2016), and the
Stat ements of it s P residen t of 18 Decemb er 2014 (S /PR ST/2 014 /28) , 20 Octobe r
2015 (S/PRS T/20 15/1 7), and 16 Novembe r 2016 (S/PRST /20 16/1 7),
Reaf firm ing its stro ng com mitment to the sovereig nty, indep endence , unity and
terri torial inte grity of the CAR , a nd recalli ng the import ance of the princ iples of
non-i nterfere nce, goo d-neigh bourline ss and regional cooper ation,
Reca llin g t hat the CAR bear s the pr imary r esponsi bility t o prote ct all
popu lations w ithin its territor y from gen ocide, wa r crimes , ethnic c leansing and
crim es again st huma nity,
Noti ng w ith concern tha t wh ile improvi ng, the security sit uation in the CAR
rema ins fragile , due to the cont inued pres ence of arme d g roups and ot her armed
spoil ers, as well as th e ongo ing vio lence, the l ack of capa city of the natio nal
secur ity f orces, the l imited author ity of the State over all of t he CA R terr itory, a nd
the p ersiste nce of t he root causes o f the co nflict,
Emph asiz ing that any s ustaina ble s olution to the crisis in the CAR should be
CAR-o wned, includi ng th e pol itical proces s, and shou ld pr ioritize recon ciliatio n of
the Ce ntral A frican pe ople, thr ough an i nclusive process that invo lves men and
wome n of all socia l, econ omic, polit ical, r eligious and ethni c back grounds,
inclu ding, t hose dis placed b y the cr isis,
Call ing up on t he CAR aut horities to urge ntly imple ment t ranspar ent an d
inclu sive measu res th at al low fo r stab ilizatio n and recon ciliatio n in the CA R,
inclu ding to take co ncrete s teps to restore the effe ctive au thority of the S tate ove r all
of the te rritory of t he CAR; to fig ht impunit y by restori ng adminis tration of t he
judi ciary an d the c riminal justi ce syste m, incl uding t he peni tentiary s ystem,
thro ughout the country; to speed up the r eform of th e CAR Arme d For ces ( FACA)

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