Resolution nº S/RES/2340 (2017) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2340 (2 017)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
8 Feb ruary 2 017
17-0195 6 (E)
Resolution 2340 (2017)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7878 th mee ting, on
8 February 2017
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its previ ous resolut ions and state ments of its Presid ent concern ing
Suda n,
Reaf firm ing it s c ommitme nt to the cause of pe ace throug hout Sudan , to the
sove reignty, indep endence , un ity and territo rial integri ty o f S udan, and to the full
and time ly i mplemen tation of resol ution 1591 (20 05), recalling the import ance of
the prin ciples o f good nei ghbour liness, non -interfer ence an d coope ration in t he
relat ions among State s in the regio n, an d f urther recalli ng t hat t he G overnme nt o f
Suda n bears the pr imary r esponsi bility f or prot ecting a ll popu lations wit hin its
terri tory, wi th res pect fo r the rule of law, inter national huma n right s law an d
inter nationa l humani tarian l aw,
Noti ng the impo rtance of the work of the Africa n Un ion H igh-Le vel
Impl ementati on Pan el (AU HIP), t he aim s of t he Doh a Docu ment fo r Peac e in
Darf ur (DDPD ), and the stated c ommitme nt of the Gover nment of Sudan to an
inclu sive nationa l dial ogue b uilding on the AU HIP’s o ngoing peac e effor ts,
welc omin g the African Uni on P eace and Securit y Co uncil’s decisi on t o ex tend the
AUHI P’s ma ndate fo r ano ther year, and fur ther welc oming th e AU Ro admap
Agre ement, s igned by both th e Govern ment an d the opp osition, and u rging the
signa tory g roups to impl ement the Roa dmap by wor king to wards a n egotiate d
cess ation of hostilit ies and an open and inc lusive political dialogu e,
Reit erati ng the need for an end to the viole nce and continue d v iolation s an d
abus es in D arfur, u nde rsco ring th e impor tance o f fully address ing the root c auses o f
the conf lict in the search for a sustai nable peace , a nd r ecognizi ng that the Darfur
confl ict cannot be resol ved militari ly a nd a du rable solu tion can only be obtain ed
thro ugh an i nclusive politic al proce ss,
Noti ng that the confli ct betwe en the Govern ment a nd arme d group s has mostly
beco me limi ted to t he Jebe l Marra region and a ckno wle dgin g a n overal l reduc tion in
viol ence, while r emainin g par ticularl y conc erned at the violen ce and insec urity that
rema ins, includi ng intercom munal viol ence, militi a a ctivity, bandi try, a nd fighting
betwe en t he g overnme nt a nd ar med groups, ex pressing conc ern that such violenc e

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