Resolution nº S/RES/2162 (2014) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2162 (2 014)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
25 J une 2014
Resolution 2162 (2014)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7207th meeting, on
25 June 2014
The S ecurity Counci l,
Recalling its pre vious reso lutions, i n particul ar resolut ions 2112 (2 013) and
2153 (2 014), and t he stateme nts of its Presi dent relat ing to the situ ation in Côt e
d’Ivo ire, resolu tions 2116 (201 3) and 2128 (2013 ) o n t he s ituation in Lib eria and
resol ution 2 100 (20 13) on the situa tion in Mali,
Reaffirming its stro ng comm itment to the soverei gnty, inde pendenc e, terri torial
integ rity and un ity of Côte d’Iv oire a nd re calling th e pri nciples of good -
neig hbourlin ess, non -interf erence and regi onal coo peratio n,
Recalling tha t t he Governme nt of Côte d’Ivo ire bears prim ary respon sibilit y
for e nsuring peace, stabilit y and th e protec tion of civilian s in Cô te d’Ivo ire,
Welcoming C ôte d’Ivoire ’s ratific ation of the 1954 and 1961 Conv entions on
State lessness an d th e st eps being taken to revi se i ts n ationali ty l aws and recalli ng
the Sec retary-G eneral’s dec ision on Dura ble Solutio ns and expres sing suppo rt f or
the implem entation of t he nat ional d urable solutio n stra tegy fo r inter nally displace d
perso ns,
Taking n ote o f the r eport of t he Se cretary -Genera l of 15 May 2014
Welcoming t he pro gress bei ng mad e in Cô te d’I voire on the path o f
reco nciliatio n, stabilit y and ec onomic reco very and comme nding the leade rship of
the P residen t of Côt e d’Ivoi re in th is regar d,
Welcoming th e si gnifican t im proveme nt in the sec urity situa tion in Côt e
d’Ivo ire, incl uding in the w estern pa rt of the cou ntry and al ong the bor der with
Libe ria, whi le condemning the a ttacks of 23 Feb ruary 20 14 and 1 5 May 2 014,
acknowledging the need to addres s re maining cha llenges and noting the cont inued
and incr eased coope ration betw een the United Nat ions Operat ion in Côte d’Ivoir e
(UNO CI) and the U nited N ations Missio n in L iberia ( UNMIL) , as we ll as t he
Gove rnments of Côte d’Iv oire and Lib eria a nd co untries in th e sub region, in
coor dinating activit ies, inc luding o n secur ity, in the border areas i n the sub region,
Call ing upo n all nationa l stak eholders , inclu ding p olitical partie s, civi l socie ty
and th e media, to work toge ther to con solidate t he progre ss made so far and to

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