Resolution nº E/RES/2021/22 of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. 29-07-2021

Date29 July 2021
IssuerEconomic and Social Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /202 1/22
Economic and Social Council
Distr. : Genera l
29 J uly 2021
21-103 17 (E) 0 308 21
2021 s ession
Agen da item 19 (c)
Social and human ri ghts questi ons: crime prevention
and cr iminal justi ce
Resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council
on 22 July 2021
[on th e recommen dation of the Co mmission on Crime Prevention and
Crimi nal J ustice (E /2021/30 )]
2021/22. Integratin g sport int o youth crime preventio n and crimin al
justice strategies
The Economi c and So cial Cou ncil
Reco mmen ds to th e Gener al Assembl y the ad option o f the fo llowing draft
resol utio n:
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firming its c ommitme nt to the pu rposes and pr inciple s of t he Char ter
of the Unit ed Nations and the Un iversal Dec laratio n of Hu man Rights ,
reaff irming also the cross -cuttin g natur e of cr ime pre vention and crim inal
justi ce is sues a nd the conse quent need to bet ter in tegra te tho se iss ues in to the
wide r agen da of the Unit ed Nat ions in order to enhanc e syst em-wi de
coor dina tion ,
Reca lling t he rel evant U nited Nations standa rds and norms in th e area of
crim e p reventio n and crimin al just ice, inc luding the G uideline s for t he
Prev ention o f Crime,
the g uidelin es for co operatio n and tec hnical a ssistan ce in
the fie ld of urban cr ime preven tion,
the Unit ed Nation s Guidelin es for the
Prev ention of Ju venile Deli nquency (the Riyad h Guide lines),
the update d
Mode l Strateg ies and Pr actical Measure s on the El iminatio n of Violenc e agains t
Women in t he Field of Cr ime Prev ention and C riminal J ustice,
the Uni ted
Gene ral Asse mbly r esolut ion 21 7 A (III) .
Econ omic a nd Soci al Cou ncil r esoluti on 200 2/13, annex.
Econ omic a nd Soci al Cou ncil r esoluti on 199 5/9, a nnex.
Gene ral Asse mbly r esolut ion 45 /112, a nnex.
Gene ral Asse mbly r esolut ion 65 /228, annex.

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