Resolution nº E/2021/L.24 of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. 16-06-2021

Date16 June 2021
IssuerEconomic and Social Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/2021 /L.2 4
Economic and Social Council
Distr. : Limite d
16 Jun e 2021
Orig inal: En glish
21-080 94 (E) 21062 1
2021 s ession
23 J uly 2020 –22 Jul y 2021
Agen da item 9
Specia l economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assis tance
Draft resolution sub mitted by th e Vice-Presid ent of the C ouncil, Pas cale
Baeris wyl (Switzer land), on the basis of in formal consu ltations
Strengthening of the coordination of eme rgency humanitaria n
assistance of the United Nations
The Economi c and So cial Co uncil,
Reaf firm ing General Assem bly res olution 46/182 of 19 Decem ber 199 1 and th e
guid ing pri nciples cont ained in th e anne x ther eto, an d rec alling other releva nt
resol utions of t he Ass embly and relevant reso lutions and agreed conc lusions of t he
Econ omic an d Social Counci l,
Reaf firming a lso the pri nciples of h umanity, ne utrality, im partiali ty and
inde pendenc e for the p rovision of human itarian a ssistan ce, and th e need fo r all acto rs
enga ged i n th e pro vision of huma nitarian assi stance in situ ations of compl ex
emerg encies, protr acted cri ses and natu ral disas ters to pro mote and fu lly respe ct those
prin ciples,
Reca llin g its de cision 2021/2 22 of 20 Apr il 202 1, i n whic h it decide d that the
them e for the hum anitaria n affair s segm ent of its 20 21 sess ion wou ld be
“Str engtheni ng hu manitari an as sistance to face the ch allenge s of 2021 and beyond:
mobi lizing respect for interna tional humanit arian law, inc lusion, gende r, i nnovatio n
and partne rships” and th at it would conven e three panel discus sions u nder th e
segm ent,
Expre ssing gra ve conce rn at the i ncreasin g challe nges, in p articula r i n
deve loping cou ntries, cau sed by the unpr ecedente d number of peo ple affecte d b y
disa sters a nd othe r huma nitarian emer gencies, which are a dding to
unde rdevelop ment, pov erty and ine quality an d are increas ing the vuln erabilit y of
peop le while reducin g their ability to cop e with h umanita rian eme rgencies ,
emph asizing t he need for sust ained reso urces for disaster risk r educti on, prepa redness
and human itarian assist ance, includ ing in devel oping countri es, to be provide d
effic iently a nd effec tively, an d empha sizing also th e need for de velopme nt and
huma nitarian actors to wo rk bette r toget her to strengt hen res ilience, includ ing u rban
resil ience, i n terms of prev ention, prepared ness an d respon se,
Expre ssing g ravest concern s abou t the humanit arian i mpact o f and risks p osed
by the sh ort- and long -term imp acts of the coro navirus di sease (CO VID-19 )
pand emic, incl uding on the alrea dy s ignifica nt lev els o f huma nitaria n and
deve lopment need s an d su ffering of affecte d pe ople and communi ties, recogn izing
the d ispropor tionate impact o f the pa ndemic o n women, childre n and peo ple in
vuln erable situa tions, and pro foundly con cerned by risin g humani tarian assis tance
and protect ion nee ds inc luding due to the in crease in vio lence, includin g sexu al and
gend er-based viol ence and violence agai nst c hildren, and the signif icant impact on
educ ation, espe cially for girls , as wel l as hig h lev els o f fo od insecu rity and
maln utrition a nd rising r isks of fam ine, loss of livelih oods, and a ll the nega tive
impa cts on health, includin g menta l health , which are al so exac erbated by weak ened
healt h systems , and the im pacts and r isks for di splacem ent; and rec ognizin g the
comp ounded r isks and i mpacts du e to arme d conflic t, povert y, natu ral disa sters,
viol ence, th e adver se effec ts of c limate change, and ot her env ironmen tal chal lenges;
and further recogn izing the effo rts an d meas ures pr oposed by the Secre tary- General
conc erning t he respo nse to t he impa ct of th e COVID -19 pa ndemic,
Stres sing that the CO VID-19 global p andemi c requir es an eff ective g lobal
respo nse ba sed on unit y, sol idarity and renew ed mul tilatera l c ooperati on,
unde rscoring t he impor tance of hu manitar ian ass istance as a critical p art of tha t
respo nse, and in th is re gard, recogn izing efforts by Membe r Sta tes, includin g wi th
rega rd to the pro vision of humanit arian ass istance, i n addres sing the CO VID- 19
pand emic and express ing appr eciation for the e fforts an d supp ort of th e United
Nati ons sy stem, the In ter-Age ncy St anding Commi ttee, the In ternatio nal Re d Cro ss
and Re d Cre scent Mov ement, non -gover nmental orga nization s, fa ith-ba sed
organ izations , w omen-l ed o rganizat ions, local hu manitari an actors, vol unteers and
other healt h and huma nitaria n orga nization s, a nd fo r the esse ntial work of m edical
and h umanita rian pe rsonnel working on the fr ontline of the humanit arian re sponse i n
the face of th e p andemic, an d s tressin g th e i mportan ce of t aking the mea sures to
ensu re th eir p rotectio n, an d exp ressing appr eciation for the efforts of frontl ine a nd
esse ntial wor kers arou nd the worl d, and als o recogni zing the c omprehe nsive res ponse
to the CO VID-19 pande mic, i ncluding great er coo peration , cohe rence, coordin ation
and com plement arity b etween hum anitaria n and devel opment acto rs, in ful l
comp liance with th eir r especti ve m andates, and in this reg ard underl ines the
impo rtance of c ollabora tion with the ai m of reduci ng need, vu lnerabi lity and ris k over
multi ple yea rs and buildi ng resil ience, based on shar ed und erstandi ng of the con text
and each act or’s ope rational strengt hs,
Expre ssing gr ave con cern al so at the unpr ecedent ed numb er of p eople a ffected
and di splaced by huma nitarian emer gencies, inclu ding freq uently pro tracted
displ acemen t resul ting fr om hum anitaria n emer gencies, which are increas ing in
numb er, scale and se verity a nd are stretch ing hum anitaria n respo nse cap acities,
reco gnizing the n eed fo r burd en-sha ring, and no ting w ith app reciati on effo rts at the
natio nal a nd in ternatio nal levels that promot e nati onal capacity -build ing t o add ress
comp lex cha llenges in this r egard,
Noti ng the need for incr eased awar eness of the intern ational com munity
rega rding the issue of int ernal displ acement wor ldwide, inc luding the situ ation of
milli ons livi ng in pro tracted situatio ns of dis placeme nt, and t he urgen cy of pro viding
adeq uate hu manitar ian as sistance to a nd pro tection for i nternall y disp laced persons,
supp orting h ost co mmuniti es, addr essing the ro ot caus es of d isplace ment at an ear ly
stag e, findin g durable solution s for int ernally di splaced persons i n their co untries and
addr essing po ssible o bstacle s in this r egard, w herein t he nation al autho rities h ave the
prim ary duty an d respons ibility to pr ovide pro tection and hu manitari an assista nce and
prom ote d urable solutio ns fo r inter nally displac ed pe rsons within their jurisd iction,
bear ing in mi nd their particul ar needs , and rec ognizing that dur able sol utions i nclude

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