Resolution nº S/RES/2553 (2020) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/2553 (2020)
Security Council
Distr.: Gen eral
3 Decemb er 2020
20-16352 (E)
Resolution 2553 (2020)
Adopted b y the Security Council on 3 December 2020
The Secu rity Council,
Reaffirm ing i ts primary responsibili ty under t he Charter of the United Natio ns
for the maintenance of interna tional peace an d security,
Recallin g its reso lutions 2151 (2014 ) on security sect or reform and 2282 (2016)
on the revie w of the United Nations peacebui lding architectur e, and the statements by
its Presi dent of 21 Febru ary 2007 (S/PR ST/2007/ 3), 12 M ay 2008 (S/PRS T/2008/1 4)
and 12 O ctober 2011 (S/ PRST/2011/ 19),
Recallin g its resolu tion 2282 (2016) which recalled Gener al Asse mbly
resoluti on A/RES/70/1, e ntitled “Transf orming our w orld: the 20 30 A genda for
Sustaina ble Development”, whi ch adopted a comprehensi ve, far-reachin g and people -
centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Dev elopment Goals a nd
Recogniz ing that d evelopment, peace and securi ty and huma n rights are
interlin ked and mutual ly reinf orcing,
Stressing that ref orming the security sector in post -conflict environ ments is
critical to the cons olidatio n of peace an d stability, pro moting poverty reduction, r ule
of law and g ood gov ernance, extending legitimat e Stat e autho rity, and preven ting
countrie s from relap sing i nto co nflict, and further stressing that, in this regard, a
professi onal, effecti ve, and a ccountable s ecurity sect or and accessible and impar tial
law-enfo rcement and justice sectors are equally necessary to laying the foundati ons
for peac e and sustainab le development,
Reiterat ing the need for a comp rehensive a pproach to peac ebuilding a nd
sustaini ng peace as well as g ender mains treaming me asures incl uding throu gh
security sector reform in the broader framework of t he rule of law,
Recallin g the soverei gn right and the primary resp onsibility of the cou ntry
concerne d to determine t he national app roach and prior ities of securi ty sector refor m
and recognizing that it should be a nationall y owned process that is rooted in the
particul ar needs a nd condition s of, and at the request and in close consultation with
the coun try in question and encouragi ng the involvem ent of all rel evant stakehold ers
in security sector reform and the develop ment of expertis e in the field of securit y
sector r eform at the n ational and loc al level,

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