Resolution nº S/RES/2405 (2018) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2405 (2 018)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
8 Ma rch 2018
18-036 27 (E)
Resolution 2405 (2018)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8199 th mee ting, on
8 March 2018
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its previ ous resolut ions on Af ghanist an, in p articula r it s r esolutio n
2344 (201 7) e xtending thr ough 17 M arch 2018 the mandate of the United Nat ions
Assi stance M ission i n Afghani stan (U NAMA),
Stres sing the import ant role that the Unite d N ations will con tinue to play in
promo ting pe ace and stabili ty in Afgh anistan,
Reca llin g i ts rece nt visi t to Ka bul fr om 13–15 Janua ry as an affir mation of the
inter nationa l c ommunit y’s contin ued and stead fast suppo rt for a peacef ul, secure,
stabl e and p rosperou s Afghani stan,
Reaf firm ing its stro ng comm itment to the s overeign ty, indep endence, territor ial
integ rity and na tional unity of Afg hanista n, as well as i ts con tinued suppor t for the
Gove rnment and p eople of Afgha nistan as th ey reb uild t heir co untry and st rengthe n
demo cratic i nstituti ons,
Stres sing the central impor tance of a compre hensive and inclusiv e Afgha n-led
and Afghan- owned politi cal p rocess to support reco nciliati on fo r all thos e who are
prep ared to reconci le as la id forth in the Kabul C onferen ce Comm uniqué a nd furt her
elabo rated in the Bonn Con ference Con clusions , a imed at creatin g a peac eful and
pros perous f uture for all the people o f Afgh anistan and welc oming ef forts to a dvance
the p eace pr ocess, i ncludin g via t he High Peace Co uncil,
Emph asiz ing the vital role of the Kabul Proce ss a nd we lcoming the str ategic
cons ensus b etween the Gov ernment of Afgh anistan and the intern ational commun ity
on t he Self- Relianc e throug h Mutua l Account ability Framewo rk (SMA F),
Welcomi ng the start of t he fo urth year o f the Natio nal U nity Governm ent a nd
emph asizing the impor tance of all p arties in Afgh anistan worki ng withi n i ts
frame work i n order to ach ieve a peacef ul and prospero us fut ure for all the peopl e of
Afgh anistan,
Reca llin g the ann ounceme nt b y the Ind ependen t Ele ction Com mission of
Afgh anistan that par liament ary and district counci l electio ns will take pl ace in 2018,
emph asizing t he imp ortanc e of ac celerate d pro gress on el ectoral re form in
Afgh anistan an d t owards the h olding of cre dible and inc lusive parl iamentar y and
distr ict coun cil elec tions in 2018 and preside ntial el ections i n 2019, and stre ssing th e

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