Resolution nº S/RES/2431 (2018) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2431 (2 018)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
30 J uly 2018
18-125 80 (E)
Resolution 2431 (2018)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8321 st mee ting, on
30 July 2018
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g all its p revious r esolution s and state ments of its Pr esident o n the
situ ation in Somalia ,
Reaf firm ing its respe ct for the s overeig nty, terr itorial integr ity, pol itical
inde pendenc e, and u nity of Somali a, and unders cori ng the impo rtance of work ing to
prev ent d estabili sing effects of regiona l cri ses a nd di sputes from spilli ng o ver i nto
Soma lia,
Cond emn ing Al Shab aab attac ks in Somalia and beyon d, express ing seriou s
conc ern at the on going th reat p osed b y Al Shabaab, and underl inin g i ts conc ern tha t
Al S habaab continue s to hol d territ ory and extort r evenue in Soma lia,
Expre ssin g ou trage a t the lo ss of civ ilian li fe in Al S habaab attacks, and pa ying
tribu te to the b ravery and s acrifice s made by t he Afric an Uni on Mis sion i n Soma lia
(AM ISOM) and Somali s ecurity forces pe rsonnel i n the figh t against Al Shabaab , and
recog nisi ng t he need to pres erve the gains m ade thr ough the ir comm itment,
Reit erati ng its deter minatio n to sup port efforts to reduc e th e th reat posed by
Al Shab aab in So malia, a nd under lini ng it s commit ment to su pport an inclusiv e
Soma li-led p olitical peace and reco nciliati on proce ss,
Cond emn ing t he contin ued viola tions and abuses o f human ri ghts and v iolation s
of inter national huma nitarian law in Som alia, in p articula r thos e invol ving th e
deli berate ta rgeting of civil ians an d the re cruitmen t of chi ldren,
Welcomi ng the posi tive contri butions that the UN Sup port Office in Soma lia
(UNS OS) has ma de to suppo rting the gains made by AMI SOM and th e UN Assista nce
Miss ion in Soma lia (UNS OM), and unde rsco ring the im portan ce of an effe ctive
part nership between the Uni ted Nati ons, the African Union ( AU) and Member States
in S omalia,
Reco gni sing that the Feder al Governme nt of S omalia (FGS ) h as t he primary
resp onsibili ty to pr otect its citizen s and bu ild its own na tional s ecurity forces, noting
that thes e fo rces should be inclu sive and represe ntative of Soma lia a nd a ct i n ful l
comp liance wit h th eir obligat ions under inte rnation al h umanitar ian law and
inter nationa l human rights law,

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