Resolution nº S/RES/2447 (2018) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2447 (2 018)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
13 D ecember 2018
18-217 96 (E)
Resolution 2447 (2018)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 8420 th mee ting, on
13 Decemb er 2018
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g it s resol utions 2185 (2014) and 2 382 (201 7) on Unit ed Nati ons
Poli cing, as w ell a s rel evant resolu tions such as resoluti ons 1265 (1999 ) and 189 4
(200 9) o n the pr otectio n of civi lians, 1325 (2 000) an d 2242 ( 2015) o n women , peace
and se curity, 208 6 (2013) on peacek eeping o peration s, 2151 ( 2014) on s ecurity s ector
refor m, 1 645 ( 2005), 2282 (2016) and 2413 (2018 ) on post -conflic t pea cebuildi ng,
2436 (2018) on p erforma nce in pea cekeepin g oper ations, and sta tements of it s
Pres ident su ch as th e state ments of 6 Octob er 2004 (S/PR ST/2 004 /34) , 29 Jun e 2010
(S/PR ST/2 010/ 11), 19 Januar y 2012 ( S/PRST /201 2/1 ) a nd 21 Febru ary 20 14
(S/PR ST/2 014/ 5) on t he rul e of law a nd of 12 F ebruary 2010 (S/P RST/ 201 0/2) and
14 Ma y 2018 (S/ PRS T/20 18/ 10) o n peacek eeping op erations , as well a s the stat ement
of 14 July 1 997 (S/ PRST /19 97/3 8) on civil ian poli ce,
Reaf firm ing its p rimary respons ibility under the C harter of the Unite d Nati ons
for t he maint enance of inter nationa l peace and sec urity,
Stres sing the p rimary respons ibility of St ates for the p reventi on and resolu tion
of conflict s, as well a s for the pro tection of c ivilians and t he imp ortant contrib ution
that United N ations a ssistanc e to pol ice, just ice and correcti on areas in peace keeping
and s pecial po litical m issions can p rovide th roughou t the conf lict cycl e, where and a s
mand ated, inc luding t hrough th e pr otection of civil ians, cap acity -buildin g an d
deve lopment e fforts of ho st-Stat e police, j ustice and c orrectio ns instit utions, an d
noti ng the relev ance of its contr ibution when consid ering the br oader reform of t he
peac e and se curity p illar,
Reaf firm ing that lasti ng peace is not achie ved nor sustai ned by militar y a nd
techn ical e ngageme nts alo ne, but throug h poli tical so lutions and s trongly convinc ed
that such politic al soluti ons shou ld guide the des ign and depl oyment o f United
Nati ons peac ekeepin g operat ions,
Reaf firm ing its co mmitmen t t o up holding th e p urposes and pr inciples of the
Char ter of the United N ations, inclu ding its comm itment t o and res pect f or the
princ iples o f politic al indep endence , sovere ign equa lity and territor ial inte grity of all
Stat es in con ducting all peac ekeepin g ac tivities and the need for Sta tes t o co mply
with their ob ligatio ns under interna tional l aw,

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