A/RES/76/74. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/74
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
A/RES/ 76/7 4
General Assembly
Distr.: General
15 De cember 20 21
Seven ty-sixth session
Agenda item 51
Assist ance in mine acti on
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 9 December 2021
[on th e report of t he Special Political a nd Decoloni zation Commi ttee
(Fourt h Commi ttee) (A/ 76/41 3, pa ra. 8)]
76/74. As sista nce in mine act ion
The Ge neral As sembly,
Recalling its resolut ion 74/80 of 13 Dec ember 2 019 and all i ts previ ous
resolu tions on assist ance in mine cle arance and on assi stance in mine ac tion, all
adopt ed without a vote,
Recal ling also all relev ant t reatie s and conv entions
and t heir revie w processe s,
Notin g wit h app reciation the exte nt t o which the Internat ional Day for M ine
Awarenes s and Assist ance in Mine Action has been commemor ated worl dwide,
Notin g all r elevant United Nation s resolu tions t hat ta ke in to acc ount the
human itarian a spects of assi stanc e in mine action,
Reaff irming i ts d eep concern at the t remendous humanit arian an d develo pment
impac t of mines and explosiv e remn ants of war,
in affected coun tries, which have
seriou s and la sting soc ial and economic conseque nces fo r the civilia n populat ions of
such cou ntries, inc luding refug ees and othe r displaced p ersons retu rning to their
homes, a s we ll as persons resid ing in conflict an d pos t-confl ict areas, and whic h
These in clude the Co nventi on on the Pro hibiti on of t he Use , Stoc kpilin g, Prod uction and Tra nsfer
of Ant i-Per sonne l Min es and on Th eir D estruc tion, 1997 ; the Proto col on Proh ibitio ns or
Rest rictio ns on the U se of Mines , Boo by Tra ps and Othe r Dev ices, as ame nded in 19 96
(Pro toc ol I I to t he 198 0 Con venti on on Prohi bition s or Restri ctions on th e Use of C erta in
Conv entio nal Wea pons W hich May B e Dee med t o Be E xcess ively Injur ious o r to Have
Indi scrimin ate Eff ects); the Pr otocol on Ex plosive Remna nts of War, 200 3 (Prot ocol V to the 1980
Conv entio n); th e Con ventio n on Clust er Mun ition s, 200 8; th e Prot ocol Ad dit ional to the Gene va
Conv entio ns of 12 Aug ust 19 49, a nd rel ating to th e Prot ectio n of Vi ctims of In ternat ional A rmed
Conf licts 1977 (Proto col I ); and the Conve ntion on the Righ ts of Person s wit h Dis abilit ies, 2 006.
As def ined b y Pro tocol V to th e 19 80 Co nvent ion.

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