A/RES/76/186. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/186
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /76/ 186
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
11 Jan uary 20 22
21-192 41 (E) 1 301 22
Seventy -sixth sess ion
Agen da item 108
Crime prevention an d criminal j ustice
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 December 2021
[on th e report of the Third Committ ee (A/76/ 463, par a. 26)]
76/186. Improving the coordination of efforts against trafficking in persons
The General Assembly ,
Reit erating i ts strong c ondemna tion of t raffickin g in perso ns, espec ially wo men
and children , which consti tutes a n offenc e and a seriou s threat to hu man dig nity an d
phys ical int egrity, hu man righ ts and s ustaina ble deve lopme nt,
Reit erating its conce rn that, despite sust ained measur es tak en at the
inter nationa l, regi onal a nd nat ional levels, traffick ing in perso ns rem ains o ne of the
grav e c hallenge s f acing the int ernation al commun ity, which also im pairs the
enjo yment of h uman rig hts and ne eds a mor e concert ed collec tive and c omprehe nsive
inter nationa l respon se,
Bear ing in mind that all St ates h ave an oblig ation to exe rcise d ue di ligence to
prev ent, i nvestiga te an d puni sh per petrato rs of traffic king in per sons and to pro tect
and assist victim s, and that not do ing so violat es and impair s or nullifie s the
enjo yment of the hu man righ ts and f undamen tal free doms of the vic tims,
Recogn izing that the coronavi rus d isease (COVID -19) pandemic is one of the
greate st globa l challe nges in the history of the United Nations, and noting with de ep
concer n its impa ct on hea lth and th e loss of life, men tal health and well -being, as well
as the neg ative im pact on global humanit arian ne eds, th e enjoy ment of human rights
and a cross all spheres o f society, inc luding on livelihood s, food se curity and nutrition,
educat ion, the exacerba tion of poverty and hun ger, disruption to eco nomies, trade ,
societ ies, environ ments, and the exacer bation of e conomic and social ine qualities
within an d a mong countri es, which exacer bate existing vu lnerabilitie s to trafficking an d
create new challe nges to com bating the crime of tr afficking in persons,
Noting that repo rts have highli ghted a sharp incr ease in unemplo yment rates
brough t about by the COVID -19 pan demic t hat is likely t o worse n the circumstanc es
for thos e m ost at risk of falling vi ctim to trafficki ng in persons, in par ticular in count ries
experi encing the f astest and most persis tent drops in employm ent,

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