A/RES/76/183. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/183
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /76/ 183
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
11 Jan uary 20 22
21-192 36 (E) 1 301 22
Seventy -sixth sess ion
Agen da item 108
Crime prevention an d criminal j ustice
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 December 2021
[on th e report of the Third Committ ee (A/76/ 463, par a. 26)]
76/183. Integrating sport into y outh crime p revention an d crim inal
justice strategies
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firming its comm itment to the p urposes and pri nciples of the C harter of the
Unit ed Nation s and the Un iversal Declarat ion of Hum an Right s,
and re affirmin g also
the c ross-cu tting nat ure of cr ime prev ention a nd crim inal jus tice issu es and th e
cons equent need t o bette r integ rate t hose is sues in to the wider agenda of th e Uni ted
Nati ons in o rder to enhance system -wide c oordinat ion,
Reca lling th e relev ant Unit ed Nati ons stan dards a nd norm s in the area o f crime
preven tion an d crimi nal jus tice, in cluding the Gu ideline s for t he Prev ention of
Crim e,
th e guid elines for co operatio n and techni cal as sistance in t he fiel d of urban
crim e prevent ion,
the Un ited Nat ions Guid elines fo r the Prev ention of Juvenil e
Deli nquency (the Riy adh Guideli nes),
the updated Mod el S trategie s an d Pr actical
Meas ures on t he Elimin ation of Vi olence ag ainst Women in the Fi eld of Cr ime
Prev ention and Cri minal J ustice,
the United Nation s Mode l Strate gies an d Pract ical
Meas ures on the El iminatio n of Violence ag ainst Chil dren in the Fi eld of Crime
Prev ention and Crimina l Jus tice,
t he Un ited Nations Stand ard M inimum Rules for
the Adminis tration of Juven ile J ustice (the Bei jing Rules)
and t he U nited Nation s
Stan dard M inimum Rul es for the Treatme nt of Pris oners ( the Ne lson M andela
Rule s),
Reso lution 217 A (II I).
Econ omic a nd Soci al Cou ncil r esoluti on 200 2/13, annex.
Econ omic a nd Soci al Cou ncil r esoluti on 199 5/9, a nnex.
Reso lution 45/112 , annex .
Reso lution 65/228 , anne x.
Reso lution 69/194 , anne x.
Reso lution 40/33, annex .
Reso lution 70/175 , anne x.

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