A/RES/76/159. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/159
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /76/ 159
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
7 Jan uary 20 22
21-192 01 (E) 12012 2
Seventy -sixth sess ion
Agen da item 74 (b)
Promoti on and protec tion of huma n rights: hu man rights
questio ns, includin g alternativ e approaches for improving
the eff ective enjo yment of huma n rights and fundamental
freedom s
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 16 December 2021
[on th e report of the Third Committ ee (A/76/ 462/Add. 2, para. 114 )]
76/159. Enhancement of international cooperation in th e field of
human rights
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firming its comm itment to promo ting int ernation al coop eration, as set f orth
in the Ch arter o f the United Natio ns, in partic ular Arti cle 1, parag raph 3 , as well a s
relev ant pr ovision s of t he Vienn a Decl aration and Progra mme of Action adopte d by
the World Confe rence on Human Rig hts on 2 5 J une 1993,
for enh ancing genu ine
coop eration among M ember S tates in the fie ld of hu man rig hts,
Reca llin g it s resolu tion 70 /1 of 25 Septem ber 201 5, entit led “Tran sformin g our
worl d: th e 203 0 Agend a for Sust ainable Deve lopment ”, in whic h the Gene ral
Asse mbly ado pted a co mprehen sive, fa r-reach ing and p eople- centred set of un iversal
and t ransfor mative S ustaina ble Dev elopment Goals,
Reca lling also its adopti on of the Unit ed N ations Millen nium Declar ation on
8 Sept ember 20 00,
its resolut ion 75/ 180 of 16 Dec ember 2 020, Hum an Rig hts
Coun cil re solution 47/9 of 12 Ju ly 202 1
and the resolut ions o f the Commi ssion on
Huma n Right s on the e nhancem ent of i nternati onal coo peration in the f ield of h uman
right s,
Reca lling fu rther th e World Con ference against Racism, Racial D iscrimin ation,
Xeno phobia and R elated Intoler ance, h eld in Durba n, Sou th Africa , from 31 Aug ust
to 8 Septemb er 2 001, the Durban Rev iew Confere nce, held in Geneva fro m 2 0 to
A/CONF.15 7/24 ( Part I ), cha p. III.
Resolut ion 55 /2.
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Se venty -sixth Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 5 3
(A/7 6/53), chap. VII, se ct. A.

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