A/RES/76/128. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/128
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /76/ 128
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
17 Dece mber 20 21
21-187 96 (E) 23122 1
Seventy -sixth sess ion
Agen da item 75 (a)
Strength ening of the coordinati on of humani tarian and
disast er relief assi stance of the United Nati ons, includi ng
specia l economic a ssistance: st rengthening o f the
coordi nation of em ergency human itarian ass istance of th e
United Nations
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 10 December 2021
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 6/L.27 and A/76/L. 27/Add.1 )]
76/128. International cooperation on humanitarian assis tance in the field
of natural d isasters, from relief to development
The General Assembly ,
Reaffirm ing its res olution 46 /182 of 19 Decemb er 1 991, the annex to whi ch
cont ains the gui ding prin ciples for th e strengt hening of th e coordin ation of em ergency
huma nitarian assista nce of the United N ations sy stem, as well as al l its reso lutions o n
inter nationa l cooper ation o n human itarian assista nce in the fiel d of na tural di sasters,
from relief to de velopme nt, and recal ling th e resol utions of the human itarian affairs
segm ents of the sess ions of the Eco nomic a nd Socia l Counci l,
Reaf firming also t he prin ciples of h umanity, neutr ality, im partiali ty and
inde pendenc e for th e provis ion of h umanitar ian ass istance,
Reca llin g t he Send ai Decl aration
and the S endai Fr amework for Disaster Risk
Redu ction 2015–2 030,
a dopted by the Th ird United Nation s World Confe rence on
Disa ster Ris k Reduc tion, he ld in Se ndai, Ja pan, fro m 14 to 18 Mar ch 2015,
Reco gniz ing that the Sendai Fram ework applies to the risk o f sma ll-sca le an d
large -scale, freq uent and infreq uent, su dden an d slow -onset disa sters ca used by
natu ral or m an-mad e h azards, as well as rel ated environ mental, tec hnologi cal and
biol ogical h azards a nd risks ,
Resolut ion 69 /283, annex I .
Ibid., a nnex I I.
Noti ng wit h conc ern t hat sl ow-onse t disa sters such a s drou ghts a re on the rise
in m any pl aces an d can have si gnifican t impa cts on affected popula tions a nd lead to
incr eased vu lnerabil ity to o ther haz ards,
Reco gniz ing the G lobal Pla tform for Disaster Risk Red uction a s the main forum
at t he glob al leve l for st rategic advice coord ination and par tnershi p devel opment for
disa ster risk reduct ion, and recogn izing al so the c ontribut ion of the rele vant reg ional
and subregio nal plat forms,
Reaffirm ing t he Paris Agr eement
and its early entr y into forc e, and enc ouragin g
all the par ties to the Ag reement to fu lly imp lement the Agre ement a nd par ties to the
Unit ed Nation s Framew ork Conv ention on Climate Change
that h ave not ye t done so
to d eposit their in strumen ts of r atificat ion, ac ceptance , appro val or accessi on, whe re
appr opriate, as soo n as pos sible,
High ligh ting the synergi es betw een the impleme ntation of the 2 030 Agen da for
Sust ainable De velopme nt
and the Pa ris A greemen t, and noting with conce rn the
findi ngs c ontained in the Sp ecial Rep ort on Globa l Warmi ng of 1.5 °C o f the
Inte rgovernm ental Pa nel on Climate Change,
Noti ng with app reciatio n the hosti ng by the G overnme nt of the Un ited King dom
of Great Britain and N orthern Irelan d of the tw enty- sixth s ession of the Confe rence
of t he Par ties to the Un ited N ations Framewo rk Con vention on Climate Change , the
sixte enth sess ion of the Co nferenc e of the Parti es servin g as the Meet ing of the Pa rties
to the Ky oto Pr otocol and th e third sessi on of the C onferenc e of the Pa rties serving
as th e Meetin g of the Parties to the P aris Agree ment, in Glasg ow, from 3 1 Octob er to
13 N ovember 2021,
Welcomi ng the hold ing of th e 2 019 Climate Action Sum mit convene d by the
Secr etary-Ge neral on 23 Sept ember, and t aking note o f the multi -part ner in itiative s
and commitm ents pre sented d uring th e Summ it,
Noti ng with apprec iation the ho sting by the Govern ment of Switz erland of th e
sixth session of the Globa l Platform f or Disast er Risk Red uction, h eld in Gene va from
13 to 17 May 2019,
Taking note of its resolu tion 7 1/1 of 19 Se ptember 2016, in wh ich the Gener al
Asse mbly adop ted the New York Decla ration for Re fugees an d Migrants a nd the
anne xes ther eto,
Welcomi ng the c onvenin g of the in tergover nmental confe rence held o n 10 and
11 D ecember 2018 in Ma rrakech, Moro cco, an d reca lling that it adopt ed the Globa l
Comp act for Safe, Or derly and Re gular Migr ation, also k nown as the Mar rakech
Comp act on Migratio n,
Expre ssing gr avest co ncerns about th e humani tarian i mpacts o f and ris ks posed
by the short- an d long-t erm effect s of the cor onaviru s disease (COVID -19) pan demic,
inclu ding on t he al ready signifi cant levels of humani tarian and develop ment needs
and suffe ring of people , in cluding tho se i n v ulnerabl e s ituation s an d co mmunit ies
affec ted b y natu ral d isasters , and ackno wledgin g the relat ed ch allenges for disast er
prep aredness , respon se and recovery efforts ,
Emph asiz ing the fundame ntally civili an c haracter of hum anitari an a ssistanc e,
reaff irming, in situatio ns in whic h military capacity a nd assets a re used as a l ast resor t
to su pport the impleme ntation o f humani tarian as sistance in the fie ld of nat ural
See FCC C/CP/2 015/10 /Add.1 , deci sion 1 /CP.21, a nnex.
United Nation s, Treaty Serie s, vol . 1771, No. 30822.
Resolut ion 70 /1.
Resolut ion 73 /195, annex.

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