A/RES/75/264. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/264
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 264
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
6 Marc h 2021
21-030 39 (E) 100321
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 130 (l)
Cooper ation betwee n the United Nations and regional an d
other organiza tions: cooperation betwe en the United Nations
and the Council of Europe
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 3 March 2021
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 5/L.64 and A/ 75/L. 64/A dd.1 )]
75/264. Cooperati on between the United N ations a nd the C ouncil of Europe
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g t he Agree ment be tween t he Cou ncil of Europe and t he Secr etariat of
the Un ited Natio ns signed o n 15 Decemb er 1951 and t he Arrange ment on Coo peration
and Li aison be tween the Secretar iats of the United N ations an d the Coun cil of Eur ope
of 19 Novem ber 1971 ,
Reca lling also its re solution 44/6 of 17 O ctober 1989, in w hich it gra nted the
Coun cil of Europ e a standin g invi tation to pa rticipat e as an ob server in i ts ses sions
and wo rk, as well as its p revious re solutio ns on coope ration betw een the Uni ted
Nati ons and the Cou ncil of Europe,
Ackn owle dgin g the c ontribut ion of the Council of Europe to th e stren gthenin g
of m ultilate ralism a s well as to t he prom otion an d prote ction of all hu man rig hts and
fund amental free doms, democ racy and the r ule of la w t hrough its standa rds,
princi ples, monitori ng mechanisms an d technical coo peration, as wel l a s to th e e ffective
imple mentation o f relevant i nternationa l legal instr uments of the United Nations,
Ackn owledgi ng also the cont ribution of the C ouncil of E urope to th e
deve lopment of in ternatio nal law, and welco ming the open ness of the Cou ncil of
Euro pe to th e partic ipation of State s of oth er regio ns in it s legal instrum ents,
Welcomi ng th e role of the C ouncil of E urope in bui lding a un ited Euro pe withou t
divi ding lines, and the contribu tion of th e Cou ncil of E urope to c ohesion, stab ility
and security in Euro pe,
Comm end ing the incr easing c ontribu tion of t he Coun cil of Eu rope, in cluding at
the p arliame ntary le vel, to d emocrat ic tran sition i n its nei ghbouri ng regio ns aimed at
prom oting democr atic institut ions and procedu res, and welcomi ng th e rea diness of

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